ASTM D2274 for oxidation stability of distillate fuel oil (Accelerated method)
ASTM D2274 for oxidation stability of distillate fuel oil (Accelerated method)12. Calculation12.1 Calculate the filterable insolubles mass (A) in milligrams per 100 mL. Subtract the mass of the blank (bottom) filter W1, in milligrams, from that of the sample (top) filter W2, in milligrams, (11.4) and ...
ASTM D2274 for oxidation stability of distillate fuel oil (Accelerated method)
ASTM D2274 for oxidation stability of distillate fuel oil (Accelerated method)11. Procedure11.1 Preparing the Sample - Place one filter (described in 7.7) on the filter support and clamp the filter funnel to the support as shown in Fig. 2. Apply suction (approximately 80 kPa (12 psi). Pour 400 mL of ...
ASTM D2274 for oxidation stability of distillate fuel oil (Accelerated method)
ASTM D2274 for oxidation stability of distillate fuel oil (Accelerated method)9. Samples and Sampling9.1 When obtaining samples for the laboratory, follow Practices D4057 or D4177, or other standard practice capable of providing representative samples.9.2 Analyze fuel samples as soon as possible after ...
ASTM D2274 for oxidation stability of distillate fuel oil (Accelerated method)
ASTM D2274 for oxidation stability of distillate fuel oil (Accelerated method)7. ApparatusNOTE 2 - It is suggested that all equipment be calibrated according to manufacturer's instructions on a periodic basis to assure consistency of results.7.1 Oxidation Cell, of borosilicate glass, as shown in Fig. ...
ASTM D2274 for oxidation stability of distillate fuel oil (Accelerated method)
ASTM D2274 for oxidation stability of distillate fuel oil (Accelerated method)4. Summary of Test Method4.1 A 350-mL volume of filtered middle distillate fuel is aged at 95°C (203°F) for 16 h while oxygen is bubbled through the sample at a rate of 3 L/h. After aging, the sample is cooled to approximately ...
ASTM D2274 for oxidation stability of distillate fuel oil (Accelerated method)
ASTM D2274 for oxidation stability of distillate fuel oil (Accelerated method)1. Scope1.1 This test method covers the measurement of the inherent stability of middle distillate petroleum fuels under specified oxidizing conditions at 95°C.NOTE 1 - Fuels used in establishing the precision measures for ...
ASTM D2266 for wear preventive characteristics of lubricating grease
ASTM D2266 for wear preventive characteristics of lubricating greaseASTM D2266 standard test method for wear preventive characteristics of lubricating grease (Four-Ball method)11. Precision and Bias11.1 The precision of this test is not known to have been obtained in accordance with currently accepted ...
ASTM D2266 for wear preventive characteristics of lubricating grease
ASTM D2266 for wear preventive characteristics of lubricating greaseASTM D2266 standard test method for wear preventive characteristics of lubricating grease (Four-Ball method)10. Procedure10.1 Thoroughly clean four test balls, clamping parts for the upper and lower balls and the oil cup using a cleaning ...
ASTM D2266 for wear preventive characteristics of lubricating grease
ASTM D2266 for wear preventive characteristics of lubricating greaseASTM D2266 standard test method for wear preventive characteristics of lubricating grease (Four-Ball method)6. Apparatus6.1 Four-Ball Wear-Tester and Accessories - See Fig. 1 and Fig. 2.NOTE 3 - It is important to distinguish between ...
ASTM D2266 for wear preventive characteristics of lubricating grease
ASTM D2266 for wear preventive characteristics of lubricating greaseASTM D2266 standard test method for wear preventive characteristics of lubricating grease (Four-Ball method)4. Summary of Test Method4.1 Three 1/2 in. (12.7-mm) diameter steel balls are clamped together and covered with the lubricant ...