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  • AROMATICS IN HYDROCARBON OILS BY HIGH RESOLUTION NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE (HR- AROMATICS IN HYDROCARBON OILS BY HIGH RESOLUTION NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE (HR-NMR): D5292EXPLANATIONAromatic content is a key property of hydrocarbon oils and can affect a variety of properties including boiling range, viscosity, stability, and compatibility of oils with polymers. Existing methods ...
  • AROMATICS IN GASOLINES BY GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY-MASS SPECTROMETRY GC-MS: D5769 AROMATICS IN GASOLINES BY GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY-MASS SPECTROMETRY GC-MS: D5769EXPLANATIONTest methods to determine benzene and the aromatics in gasoline are necessary to assess the product quality and to meet fuel regulations. This test method can be used for gasolines that contain oxygenates such as alcohols ...
  • AROMATICS IN FINISHED GASOLINE BY GC-FTIR: D5986 AROMATICS IN FINISHED GASOLINE BY GC-FTIR: D5986EXPLANATIONTo assess product quality and meet new fuel regulations, it is necessary to have methods to determine oxygenates, benzene, and aromatic content of gasoline. This method can be used for gasolines that contain oxygenates such as alcohols and ethers ...
  • AROMATICS IN FINISHED GASOLINE BY GC: D5580 AROMATICS IN FINISHED GASOLINE BY GC: D5580EXPLANATIONTo reduce the ozone reactivity in toxicity of automotive evaporative and exhaust emissions regulations limiting the concentration of benzene and the total aromatic content of finished gasoline have been established. This test method can be used for ...
  • AROMATICS IN FINISHED GASOLINE BY GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY: D4420 AROMATICS IN FINISHED GASOLINE BY GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY: D4420EXPLANATIONA knowledge of the amount of aromatics in gasoline is helpful in assessing the product quality and in evaluating the health hazard to persons handling and using gasoline. This test method determines benzene, toluene, C8, C9, and heavier ...
  • AROMATICS AND POLYNUCLEAR AROMATICS IN DIESEL AND AVIATION TURBINE FUELS BY SFC: AROMATICS AND POLYNUCLEAR AROMATICS IN DIESEL AND AVIATION TURBINE FUELS BY SFC: D5186EXPLANATIONThe aromatic hydrocarbon content of motor diesel fuels affects their cetane number and exhaust emissions. The aromatic hydrocarbon and the napthalene content of aviation turbine fuels affects their combustion ...
  • APPLIED COATING WAX IN CORRUGATED BOARD FACING: D3522 APPLIED COATING WAX IN CORRUGATED BOARD FACING: D3522EXPLANATIONWax treatment is used to improve resistance to moisture damage of corrugated fiberboard shipping containers. This commonly involves a light wax saturation applied to the medium and facings, followed by a curtain coating or roll coating operation ...
  • APPARENT VISCOSITY YIELD STRESS AND APPARENT VISCOSITY AT LOW TEMPERATURE: D4684 APPARENT VISCOSITY YIELD STRESS AND APPARENT VISCOSITY AT LOW TEMPERATURE: D4684EXPLANATIONWhen an engine oil is cooled, the rate and duration of cooling can affect its yield stress and viscosity. In this laboratory test an engine oil is slowly cooled through a temperature range where wax crystallization ...
  • APPARENT VISCOSITY OF LUBRICATING GREASES: D1092 APPARENT VISCOSITY OF LUBRICATING GREASES: D1092EXPLANATIONApparent viscosity versus shear rate information is useful in predicting pressure drops in grease distribution systems under steady-state flow conditions at constant temperature. This test covers measurements in the temperature range from -53 ...
  • APPARENT VISCOSITY AT HTHS BY MULTICELL CAPILLARY VISCOMETER: D5481 APPARENT VISCOSITY AT HTHS BY MULTICELL CAPILLARY VISCOMETER: D5481TEST SUMMARYThis test method covers the laboratory determination of high-temperature high-shear (HTHS) viscosity of engine oils at a temperature of 150° C using a multicell capillary viscometer containing pressure, temperature, and timing ...