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  • ASTM D3343 Test Method for Estimation of Hydrogen Content of Aviation Fuels ASTM D3343 Test Method for Estimation of Hydrogen Content of Aviation Fuels5. Procedure5.1 Determine the density or the API gravity of the fuel sample as described in Practice D1298 - API 2547 - IP 160.5.2 Determine the temperature at which 10, 50, and 90 % of the fuel are recovered using Test Method ...
  • ASTM D3343 Test Method for Estimation of Hydrogen Content of Aviation Fuels ASTM D3343 Test Method for Estimation of Hydrogen Content of Aviation Fuels3. Summary of Test Method3.1 A correlation has been established between the hydrogen content of a fuel and its distillation range, API gravity, and aromatic content. This relationship is given by the following equations:Type fuel ...
  • ASTM D3343 Test Method for Estimation of Hydrogen Content of Aviation Fuels ASTM D3343 Test Method for Estimation of Hydrogen Content of Aviation Fuels1. Scope1.1 This test method covers the estimation of the hydrogen content (mass percent) of aviation gasolines and aircraft turbine and jet engine fuels.1.2 This test method is empirical and is applicable to liquid hydrocarbon ...
  • ASTM D3699 Standard Specification for Kerosine ASTM D3699 Standard Specification for Kerosine5. Test Methods5.1 The requirements enumerated in this specification shall be determined in accordance with the following ASTM methods except as noted.5.1.1 Flash Point - Test Method D56, except where other methods are prescribed by law. Test Method D3828 ...
  • ASTM D3699 Standard Specification for Kerosine ASTM D3699 Standard Specification for Kerosine3. General Requirements3.1 Kerosine shall be a refined petroleum distillate consisting of a homogeneous mixture of hydrocarbons essentially free of water, inorganic acidic or basic compounds, and excessive amounts of particulate contaminants. Additive usage ...
  • ASTM D3699 Standard Specification for Kerosine ASTM D3699 Standard Specification for Kerosine1. Scope1.1 This specification covers two grades of kerosine suitable for use in critical kerosine burner applications:1.1.1 No. 1-K - A special low-sulfur grade kerosine suitable for use in nonflue-connected kerosine burner appliances and for use in wick-fed ...
  • ASTM D3703 Test Method for Peroxide Number of Aviation Turbine Fuels ASTM D3703 Test Method for Peroxide Number of Aviation Turbine Fuels10. Precision and Bias10.1 Precision - The precision of this test method, reported in 10.1.1, was originally determined by dissolving the sample in carbon tetrachloride. The precision when using 1,1,2-trichloro 1,2,2-trifluoroethane ...
  • ASTM D3703 Test Method for Peroxide Number of Aviation Turbine Fuels ASTM D3703 Test Method for Peroxide Number of Aviation Turbine Fuels8. Procedure8.1 Select the appropriate weight of sample from the following table:8.2 Weigh the sample into a 250-mL iodine flask that has been flushed with nitrogen or carbon dioxide. Add 25 mL of 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2,trifluoroethane ...
  • ASTM D3703 Test Method for Peroxide Number of Aviation Turbine Fuels ASTM D3703 Test Method for Peroxide Number of Aviation Turbine Fuels5. Apparatus5.1 Iodine Number Flask, 250 mL, glass-stoppered.6. Reagents6.1 Purity of Reagents - Reagent grade chemicals shall be used in all tests. Unless otherwise indicated, it is intended that all reagents shall conform to the specifications ...
  • ASTM D3703 Test Method for Peroxide Number of Aviation Turbine Fuels ASTM D3703 Test Method for Peroxide Number of Aviation Turbine Fuels3. Summary of Test Method3.1 A quantity of sample dissolved in 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane is contacted with aqueous potassium iodide solution. The peroxides present are reduced by the potassium iodide. An equivalent amount ...