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  • ASTM D5059 Standard Test Methods for Lead in Gasoline by X-Ray Spectroscopy ASTM D5059 Standard Test Methods for Lead in Gasoline by X-Ray SpectroscopyTEST METHOD A (BISMUTH INTERNAL STANDARD)5. Apparatus5.1 X-ray Spectrometer, capable of measuring radiations mentioned in 3.1.1 and of being operated under the following instrumental conditions or other giving equivalent results:Tube ...
  • ASTM D5059 Standard Test Methods for Lead in Gasoline by X-Ray Spectroscopy ASTM D5059 Standard Test Methods for Lead in Gasoline by X-Ray Spectroscopy3. Summary of Test Method3.1 There are three alternative test methods, as follows.3.1.1 Test Method A (Bismuth Internal Standard Method High Concentration) - One volume of sample is mixed thoroughly with an equal volume of bismuth ...
  • ASTM D5059 Standard Test Methods for Lead in Gasoline by X-Ray Spectroscopy ASTM D5059 Standard Test Methods for Lead in Gasoline by X-Ray Spectroscopy1. Scope1.1 These test methods cover the determination of the total lead content of a gasoline within the following concentration ranges:0.010 to 5.0 g Pb/US gal0.012 to 6.0 g Pb/UK gal0.0026 to 1.32 g Pb/L1.1.1 Test Methods A ...
  • ASTM D2416 Test Method for Coking Value of Tar and Pitch (Modified Conradson) ASTM D2416 Test Method for Coking Value of Tar and Pitch (Modified Conradson)11. Report11.1 Report the coking value to the nearest 0.1 wt %.12. Precision12.1 The following criteria shall be used for judging the acceptability of results (95 % probability):12.1.1 Repeatability - Duplicate values by the ...
  • ASTM D2416 Test Method for Coking Value of Tar and Pitch (Modified Conradson) ASTM D2416 Test Method for Coking Value of Tar and Pitch (Modified Conradson)9. Procedure9.1 Ignite a clean porcelain or silica crucible in a muffle furnace at 900°C or over a gas flame for 1 h. Cool in a desiccator and weigh to the nearest 1 mg.9.2 Transfer a 3-g representative portion of the dry tar ...
  • ASTM D2416 Test Method for Coking Value of Tar and Pitch (Modified Conradson) ASTM D2416 Test Method for Coking Value of Tar and Pitch (Modified Conradson)6. Bulk Sampling6.1 Samples from shipments shall be taken in accordance with Practice D140, and shall be free of foreign substances. Thoroughly mix the sample immediately before removing a representative portion for the determination ...
  • ASTM D2416 Test Method for Coking Value of Tar and Pitch (Modified Conradson) ASTM D2416 Test Method for Coking Value of Tar and Pitch (Modified Conradson)5. Apparatus5.1 Crucible - Wide-form, a, either porcelain, glazed throughout, or silica, a; 29 to 31-mL capacity, 46 to 49 mm in rim diameter.5.2 Skidmore Crucible - Iron crucible, b, flanged and ringed, 65 to 82-mL capacity, ...
  • ASTM D2416 Test Method for Coking Value of Tar and Pitch (Modified Conradson) ASTM D2416 Test Method for Coking Value of Tar and Pitch (Modified Conradson)3. Summary of Test Method3.1 A sample of the tar or pitch is vaporized and pyrolized for a specified time at a specified temperature in special standardized equipment that limits the available oxygen supply. The percentage of ...
  • ASTM D2416 Test Method for Coking Value of Tar and Pitch (Modified Conradson) ASTM D2416 Test Method for Coking Value of Tar and Pitch (Modified Conradson)1. Scope1.1 This test method covers the determination of the coking value of tar and pitch having an ash content not over 0.5 % as determined by Test Method D2415.1.2 Coking values by this test method are practically the same ...
  • ASTM D5386 Test Method for Color of Liquids Using Tristimulus Colorimetry ASTM D5386 Test Method for Color of Liquids Using Tristimulus Colorimetry12. Report12.1 Report the following information:12.1.1 Sample identification, and12.1.2 Instrumental Pt-Co measurement to nearest whole unit.13. Precision and Bias13.1 Precision - The data for determining the precision of this test ...