(Equivalent Test Methods: IP 215, ISO 11009, and DIN 51807 T2)
This test method covers the evaluation of the resistance of a lubricating grease to washout by water from a bearing, when tested at 38 and 79° C (100 and 175° F) under the prescribed laboratory conditions. No correlation with field service has been established.
The grease is packed in a ball bearing that is then inserted in a housing with specified clearances, and rotated at 600 +/- 30 r/min. Water, controlled at the specified test temperature, impinges on the bearing housing at a rate of 5 +/- 0.5 mL/s. The amount of grease washed out in 1 h is a measure of the resistance of the grease to water washout.

Where X is the average of two results in percent.
This test method has no bias.