AGMA Specifications for Gear Lubricants
The American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) have issued specifications and recommendations for gear lubricants used in various types of gear application. AGMA Standard 250.04 details specifications for rust and oxidation inhibited (R and O) and extreme-pressure (EP) lubricants used in enclosed gear drives.
The viscosity brackets correspond to those given in ASTM D2422 'Standard Recommended Practice for Viscosity System for Industrial Fluid Lubricants'.

Oils marked 'comp' are compounded with 3 to 10% fatty material.
The AGMA Standard 251.02 details specifications for three types of open gear lubricants - rust and oxidation inhibited (R and O), extreme-pressure (EP) and residual type gear oils. In this case the viscosity brackets for the higher viscosity grades are measured at 100 C.