Transformer Oil Analysis
Transformer oil has several functions. The most important of these are insulation and cooling. In addition, transformer oil gives valuable information about parts conditions in transformers. Therefore, it is necessary to control the quality of transformer oil to monitor transformer.
Following tests are commonly applied to determine the quality of transformer oil:
1. Dielectric strength (Breakdown voltage)
2. Acid number
4. Color
6. Density
7. Visual examination
8. Power factor (Dielectric dissipation factor)
9. Inhibitor content
11. Furan analysis
Item No.1 - No.9 are transformer oil quality tests. Item No.10 is to detect incipient faults. Item No.11 is to detect insulation degradation.
Dielectric strength test / Breakdown voltage test

Water content test (Moisture Analyzer Karl Fischer Titration)
Power factor (Dielectric dissipation factor) test