This test method is valid in the range 0.02 to 10.00 mg/kg of sulfur in petroleum products. It may be extended to higher concentrations by dilution. This test method is applicable to liquids with boiling points between 30 to 371° C. These include naptha, kerosene, alcohol, steam condensate, various distillates, jet fuel, benzene, and toluene.
This test method is based on an instrument available from Kailian Yongrun. The sample is injected at a constant rate into a flowing hydrogen stream in a hydrogenolysis apparatus. The sample and hydrogen are pyrolyzed at 1300° C or higher, to convert sulfur compounds to hydrogen sulfide. Readout is by the rateometric detection of the colorimetric reaction of hydrogen sulfide with lead acetate. Condensable compounds are converted to gaseous products such as methane during the hydrogenolysis.

Bias of this test method has not been determined.