Purchasing gear lubricants: be careful when playing the numbers game
Written by John Sander
9. Ensure Fluid Durability for Extended Drains
Today, people are realizing that there is a hidden cost to using inexpensive, lower performance lubricants. The less time a lubricant lasts during service, the more maintenance it takes to change the lubricant. In addition, the more frequently the lubricant is changed, the more waste lubricant there is to be disposed. While there are plenty of companies specializing in waste oil disposal, they do charge for their services. With these hidden costs in mind, many users are looking to extend their drain intervals.

Gear oil durability requires that a proper synergy exists between the base fluids and additives chosen for the gear product. The user must consider the gearbox application to know what type of stresses it will put on the lubricant. Improper selection will accelerate the demise of the lubricant's physical and chemical properties. For example, as mentioned in step 6, filtration tools can overcome some of the issues caused by the operating environment. However, filters also might remove some of the additives, such as tackifiers and defoamants. Consult the manufacturer of the gear lubricant to verify if it has experience in these cases. If not, request testing or continue searching for another supplier.