(Equivalent Test Methods: IP 388 and ISO 12205)
This test method provides a basis for the estimation of the storage stability of middle distillate fuels with an IBP above 175° C and a 90 % recovery point below 370° C such as No. 2 fuel oil. It is not applicable to fuels containing residual oil, or any significant component derived from a nonpetroleum source. This test method may not provide a prediction of the quantity of insolubles that will form in field over any given period of time. This test method yields results more rapidly than Test Method ASTM D2274; however, the results by these two test methods may not be similar.
A 350-mL sample of filtered middle distillate fuel is aged at 95° C (203° F) for 16 h while oxygen is bubbled through the sample at a rate of 3 L/h. Next the sample is cooled to approximately room temperature before filtering to obtain the filterable insoluble quantity. Adherent insolubles are then removed from the oxidation cell and associated glassware with trisolvent. The trisolvent is evaporated to obtain the quantity of adherent insolubles. The sum of these two expressed as mg/100 mL is reported as total insolubles.

The bias of this test method is not known.