9.1 The MDL is defined in Chapter One. The MDLs for Aroclors vary in the range of 0.054 to 0.90 µg/L in water and 57 to 70 µg/kg in soils, with the higher MDLs for the more heavily chlorinated Aroclors. Estimated quantitation limits may be determined using the data in Table 1.
9.2 Estimated quantitation limits for PCBs as congeners vary by congener, in the range of 5 - 25 ng/L in water and 160 - 800 ng/kg in soils, with the higher values for the more heavily chlorinated congeners.
9.3 The accuracy and precision obtainable with this method depend on the sample matrix, sample preparation technique, optional cleanup techniques, and calibration procedures used. Table 9 provides single laboratory recovery data for Aroclors spiked into clay and soil and extracted with automated Soxhlet. Table 10 provides multiple laboratory data on the precision and accuracy for Aroclors spiked into soil and extracted by automated Soxhlet.
9.4 During method performance studies, the concentrations determined as Aroclors were larger than those obtained using the congener method. In certain soils, interference prevented the measurement of congener 66. Recoveries of congeners from soils spiked with Aroclor 1254 and Aroclor 1260 were between 80% and 90%. Recoveries of congeners from environmental reference materials ranged from 51 - 66% of the certified Aroclor values.