IEC 61619 Insulating liquids - Contamination by polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) - Method of determination by capillary column gas chromatography
12 Test report
Report as total PCB content in mg/kg to the nearest 1 mg/kg.

State the data set that was used, e.g. "all probables".

13 Detection limit
Detection limit depends on several factors such as injection volume, injection mode, condition of the detector, etc. For a single peak the detection limit is about 0,1 mg/kg. It has been evaluated that quantification in terms of total PCB's is reliable only above 2 mg/kg.

14 Precision
14.1 Repeatability
Duplicate determinations carried out by one operator should be considered suspect at the 95 % confidence level if they differ by more than 2 + 0,1 x (where x is the average of the duplicate determinations).

14.2 Reproducibility
When two laboratories carry out tests on identical test material, each shall produce duplicate results and report their average.

The two averages should be considered suspect at the 95 % confidence level if they differ by more than 2 + 0,25 x (where x is the average of the two averages).