(Equivalent Test Methods: DIN 51411, JIS K 2580, and AFNOR M07-003)
This test method covers the determination of the flash point, by Tag closed tester, of liquids with a viscosity of <5.5 cSt at 104° F (40° C), or <9.5 cSt at 77° F (25° C) and a flash point <200° F (93° C), except cutback asphalts that tend to form a surface film, and materials which contain suspended solids. For other liquids Test Method D93 should be used.
The sample is placed in the cup of the tester and with the lid closed, heated at a slow constant rate. A small flame of specified size is directed into the cup at regular intervals. The flash point is taken as the lowest temperature at which the application of the test flame causes the vapor above the sample to ignite.