This test method covers a procedure for assessing the potential storage stability of middle distillate fuels, both freshly refined or already in storage, and those with or without stabilizer additives. The results of this test method are useful in comparing fuels when tested under identical conditions. The formation of insolubles is affected by the material present in the storage container and by the ambient conditions. Since this test method is conducted in glass under standardized conditions, the results from different fuels can be compared on a common basis.

A 100-mL aliquot of the filtered fuel is placed in a borosilicate glass container. This is placed in a pressure vessel, preheated to 90° C. The vessel is pressurized with oxygen to 800 kPa for the duration of the test. The vessel is placed in a forced air oven at 90° C for 16 h. At the end of this period, after cooling, the total amount of fuel insoluble products is determined gravimetrically and corrected for blank.

Repeatability: 0.21 X
Reproducibility: 0.56 X
Where X is the average of two results in mg/100 mL.

A bias statement for this test cannot be written because of the nature of this test.