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  • HEAT OF COMBUSTION OF AVIATION FUELS: D3338 HEAT OF COMBUSTION OF AVIATION FUELS: D3338Similar to Test Method D1405, this is a purely empirical test based on correlation between the net heat of combustion and gravity, aromatic content, and the average volatility of the fuel. Correction for sulfur content of the fuel must be done.This test method ...
  • HEAT OF COMBUSTION OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTS (NET HEAT OF COMBUSTION OF AVIATION FUE HEAT OF COMBUSTION OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTS (NET HEAT OF COMBUSTION OF AVIATION FUELS): D1405GENERALHeat of combustion is an important property particularly for the petroleum products that are used for burning, heating, or similar usage. A knowledge of this value is essential when considering the thermal ...
  • HARDGROVE GRINDABILITY INDEX OF PETROLEUM COKE: D5003 HARDGROVE GRINDABILITY INDEX OF PETROLEUM COKE: D5003EXPLANATIONHardgrove Grindability Index (HGI) is a commonly done test on coal samples (See Test Method D409). With the introduction of petroleum coke in the coal market, it has become necessary to extend this test to the former. The HGI is used to ...
  • EXISTENT GUM IN FUELS BY JET EVAPORATION: D381 EXISTENT GUM IN FUELS BY JET EVAPORATION: D381(Equivalent Test Methods: IP 131, ISO 6246, DIN 51784, JIS K 2261, and AFNOR M07-004)EXPLANATIONHigh gum can cause induction-system deposits and sticking of intake valves, and in most instances it can be assumed that low gum will ensure absence of induction-system ...
  • GRAVITY, API BY HYDROMETER METHOD: D287 GRAVITY, API BY HYDROMETER METHOD: D287EXPLANATIONAccurate determination of the gravity of petroleum and its products is necessary for the conversion of measured volumes to volumes at the standard temperature of 60° F (15.56° C). Gravity is a factor governing the quality of crude oils. However, the ...
  • GRAIN STABILITY OF CALCINED PETROLEUM COKE: D6791 GRAIN STABILITY OF CALCINED PETROLEUM COKE: D6791EXPLANATIONThe grain stability of calcined petroleum coke determines the resistance to breakdown of +4 mm particles used in the manufacture of carbon anodes for use in the reduction process of aluminum. Cokes have to be relatively easy to grind for fines ...
  • GLYCOL ANTIFREEZE IN USED LUBRICATING OILS: D2982 GLYCOL ANTIFREEZE IN USED LUBRICATING OILS: D2982EXPLANATIONLeakage of glycol-base antifreeze into the crankcase is serious because the coolant tends to interfere with the lubricant and its ability to lubricate; it also promotes sludging, increases varnish deposit formation, and it will stay longer in ...
  • GLYCERIN IN BIODIESEL METHYL ESTERS BY GC: D6584 GLYCERIN IN BIODIESEL METHYL ESTERS BY GC: D6584EXPLANATIONFree and bonded glycerin content reflects the quality of biodiesel. A high quantity of free glycerin may cause problems during storage, or in the fuel system, due to separation of the glycerin. A high total glycerin content can lead to injector ...
  • GASOLINE DILUENT IN USED ENGINE OILS (GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY METHOD): D3525 GASOLINE DILUENT IN USED ENGINE OILS (GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY METHOD): D3525TEST SUMMARYThis test method uses a gas chromatograph equipped with a flame ionization detector and a programmable oven. The use of other detectors and instrumentation has been reported. However, the precision statement applies only ...
  • GASOLINE DILUENT IN USED ENGINE OILS (DISTILLATION METHOD): D322 GASOLINE DILUENT IN USED ENGINE OILS (DISTILLATION METHOD): D322GENERAL:Some fuel dilution of the engine oil may take place during normal operation. However, excessive fuel dilution is of concern in terms of possible performance problems. There are two test methods available for this work: one based ...