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  • What is Sludge? What is Sludge?Have you ever been reading a laboratory report listing the results from testing of a transformer oil sample and wondered what the results are trying to tell you? Words like sludge or metallic soaps, x-wax or ionic species creep into the vernacular and leave you scratching your head and ...
  • Transformer Oil Testing Transformer Oil TestingThe Value Of Transformer Oil TestingTransformer Oil Testing is a proven loss prevention technique which should be a part of any condition-based predictive maintenance program. This early warning system can allow maintenance management to identify maintenance priorities, plan work ...
  • Dibenzyl Disulfide in Transformer Oil Dibenzyl Disulfide in Transformer OilIntroductionThere is not one single corrosive sulfur compound that is responsible for all corrosive sulfur issues that are present in all mineral oil filled electrical apparatus. Depending on the oil, there can be tens to hundreds of different sulfur compounds present ...
  • Transformer Oil Sampling Transformer Oil SamplingIn dealing with the various firms that perform laboratory testing of transformer oil samples, I have noticed different recommended tests and different threshold levels associated with the results. Therefore, I thought it might be useful to discuss what is considered to be the ...
  • Gassing Characteristics of Transformer Oil Under Thermal Stress Gassing Characteristics of Transformer Oil Under Thermal StressIn June 2005, ASTM International adopted a new test method for testing transformer oil. The aim of the test is to determine the gassing pattern of an oil subjected to thermal stress under what is considered to be low temperatures, i.e. 120°C. ...
  • General Ways to Measure Viscosity General Ways to Measure ViscosityBefore the begining of the 20th Century, in the 1800's, the first measurements of vicsosity were made using capillary tube methods. Start with that the following is a brief summary of the different techniques/instruments that have been developed and are in use today. ...
  • What is Viscosity? What is Viscosity?Viscosity is the mechanical friction between molecules in motion, and the resistance to deformation because of mutual attraction of the molecules (in other words, resistance to flow).There are two types of viscosity.1. Dynamic viscosity, also known as absolute viscosity, is the tangential ...
  • Karl Fisher Titration - Volumetric and Coulometric methods Karl Fisher Titration - Volumetric and Coulometric methodsKarl Fisher Titration is a technique for the determination of moisture content. The technique was developed by a chemist named Karl Fischer. It is based on a reagent which reacts with water and converts the water into a non-conductive chemical. ...
  • Contaminants Analysis in Aircraft Engine Oil and its Interpretation for the Over Contaminants Analysis in Aircraft Engine Oil and its Interpretation for the Overhaul of the EngineAbstract In this work, the authors will try to determine, by means of techniques based on Artificial Intelligence, the actual possibilities of using spectrometric analysis, done periodically to the engine ...
  • Used Oil Analysis Used Oil AnalysisWhat is "Used Oil Analysis"?A representative sample of the lubricant is taken from an engine, transmission, pump or other equipment and sent to a laboratory for analysis. The lubricant sample undergoes testing of its physical properties as well as identification of the wear metals it ...