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  • ISO 3171 Petroleum liquids - Automatic pipeline sampling ISO 3171 Petroleum liquids - Automatic pipeline sampling11 Sample receivers and containers11.1 Sample receiverThe sample receiver should be equipped with a level indicator or equivalent device, for example a weighing system, for monitoring purposes, and a high-level shut-off or alarm device.Means should ...
  • ISO 3171 Petroleum liquids - Automatic pipeline sampling ISO 3171 Petroleum liquids - Automatic pipeline sampling10 Flow measurement10.1 Accuracy and rangeabilityA flow-proportional sampler requires a flow signal to pace the sampler. The flow transmitter should have enough rangeability (turndown) to produce a reasonably accurate signal over the expected flow ...
  • ISO 3171 Petroleum liquids - Automatic pipeline sampling ISO 3171 Petroleum liquids - Automatic pipeline sampling9 Control equipment9.1 FunctionThe functions of the control equipment for an automatic sampler are to control the separating device to take either a flow-proportional sample or a fixed-rate sample, and it may also include a system toa) continuously ...
  • ISO 3171 Petroleum liquids - Automatic pipeline sampling ISO 3171 Petroleum liquids - Automatic pipeline sampling7 Sampling probe design7.1 The sampling probe and/or the separating device should be of sufficient strength to withstand the bending moments imposed by the maximum flow in the main pipeline and to withstand the vibrations caused by vortex shedding. ...
  • ISO 3171 Petroleum liquids - Automatic pipeline sampling ISO 3171 Petroleum liquids - Automatic pipeline sampling6 Profile testing6.1 IntroductionThis clause describes methods which may be used to test the uniformity of water distribution across the pipeline at the chosen sampling location.6.2 PrincipleProfile testing tan verify that a representative sample ...
  • ISO 3171 Petroleum liquids - Automatic pipeline sampling ISO 3171 Petroleum liquids - Automatic pipeline sampling5 Selection of sampling point (including stream conditioning)5.1 GeneralAs has been emphasized in clause 4, it is essential that the sampling probe is presented with a portion of the liquid flowing in the Pipeline which is representative of the ...
  • ISO 3171 Petroleum liquids - Automatic pipeline sampling ISO 3171 Petroleum liquids - Automatic pipeline sampling4 Principles4.1 PurposeThis clause defines the principles which it is essential to observe during sampling operations in order that the representativity of the sample taken corresponds to the specifications of this International Standard, and meets ...
  • ISO 3171 Petroleum liquids - Automatic pipeline sampling ISO 3171 Petroleum liquids - Automatic pipeline sampling0 IntroductionThe purpose of collecting a sample of the material flowing through a pipeline is to determine the mean composition and quality of the bulk quantity. Samples of the bulk quantity in the line may be analysed to determine composition, ...
  • ISO 3170 Petroleum liquids - Manual sampling ISO 3170 Petroleum liquids - Manual sampling11 Package samplingThis clause is based on ISO 2859-1, to which reference should be made for details.11.1 Statistical aspects of sampling packages11.1.1 Number of samples to be taken11.1.1.1 GeneralThe variability of the product both within and between packages, ...
  • ISO 3170 Petroleum liquids - Manual sampling ISO 3170 Petroleum liquids - Manual sampling9 Sample handling9.1 General9.1.1 The method of handling samples between the point at which they are extracted or drawn and the final laboratory analysis of the test portion (or sample storage) shall ensure that the nature and integrity of the samples are maintained.9.1.2 ...