(Equivalent Test Methods: IP 130 and ISO 3839)
Bromine Number is the grams of bromine that will react with 100 g of the sample under the test conditions. The magnitude of bromine number is an indication of the quantity of bromine-reactive constituents, not an identification of constituents. It is used as a measure of aliphatic unsaturation in petroleum samples, and as percentage of olefins in petroleum distillates boiling up to approximately 315° C 600° F.
A known weight of the sample dissolved in a specified solvent maintained at 0 to 5 ° C (32 to 41° F) is titrated with standard bromide-bromate solution. The end point is indicated by a dead stop electrometric titration apparatus when the presence of free bromine causes a sudden change in the electrical conductivity of the system.

Where X is the sample mean.