ASTM E260 Standard Practice for Packed Column Gas Chromatography
4. Summary of Practice
4.1 A block diagram of the basic apparatus needed for a gas chromatographic system is as shown in Fig. 1. An inert, pressure or flow-controlled carrier gas flowing at a measured rate passes to the injection port or gas sample valve. A sample is introduced into the injection port, where it is vaporized, or if gaseous, into a gas sample valve, and then swept into and through the column by the carrier gas. Passage through the column separates the sample into its components. The effluent from the column passes to a detector where the response of sample components is measured as they emerge from the column. The detector electrical output is relative to the concentration of each resolved component and is transmitted to a recorder, or electronic data processing system, or both, to produce a record of the separation, or chromatogram, from which detailed analysis can be obtained. The detector effluent must be vented to a hood if the effluent contains toxic substances.

4.2 Gas chromatography is essentially a physical separation technique. The separation is obtained when the sample mixture in the vapor phase passes through a column containing a stationary phase possessing special adsorptive properties. The degree of separation depends upon the differences in the distribution of volatile compounds, organic or inorganic, between a gaseous mobile phase and a selected stationary phase that is contained in a tube or GC column. In gas-liquid chromatography (GLC), the stationary phase is a nonvolatile liquid or gum coated as a thin film on a finely-divided, inert support of a relatively large surface area, and the distribution is based on partition. The liquid phase should not react with, and should have different partition coefficients for, the various components in the sample. In gas-solid chromatography (GSC), the stationary phase is a finely divided solid adsorbent (see 4.4).
4.2.1 After separation in the analytical column, the components are detected, and the detector signal is related to the concentration of the volatile components. Tentative identifications can be made by comparison with the retention times of known standards under the same conditions, either on a single column or preferably by injecting the sample onto two columns of different selectivity. Ancillary techniques, such as mass spectrometry or infrared spectrophotometry, are generally necessary for positive identification of components in samples.

4.2.2 Prior to performing a GC analysis, the following parameters must be considered: Sample preparation. Stationary phase and loading on support. Column material required. Solid support and mesh size. Column length and diameter. Instrument and detector type that will be needed. Injector, column oven, and detector temperatures required for analysis. Injection techniques, such as flash volatilization, on-column technique, purge and trap, pyrolysis, etc. Carrier gas and flow rate. Data handling and presentation.

4.3 In gas-liquid chromatography, the degree of separation possible between any two compounds (solutes), is determined by the ratio of their partition coefficients and the separation efficiency. The partition coefficient, K, is the ratio of the solute concentration in the liquid phase to the solute concentration in the vapor phase at equilibrium conditions. The partition coefficient is affected by temperature and the chemical nature of the solute (sample) and solvent (stationary phase).

4.4 Another mechanism for separation is gas-solid chromatography. With this technique there is no liquid phase, only a porous polymer, molecular sieve, or solid adsorbent. Partition is accomplished by distribution between the gas phase and the solid phase.

4.5 After the sample is resolved into individual components by the chromatographic column, the concentration or mass flow of each component in the carrier gas can be measured by an appropriate detector which sends an electrical signal to a recording potentiometer or other readout device. The curve obtained by plotting detector response against time is referred to as a chromatogram. For flame ionization and thermal conductivity detectors, either the peak areas or the peak heights are proportional to the concentration of the components in the sample within the linear range of the detector system. However, response fractors are not necessarily the same for all compounds, and linearity of detector response may depend on operating conditions. (Testing of detector performance is discussed in ASTM Standard Practices for the appropriate detector, see 2.1).

4.6 Components in a mixture may be tentatively identified by retention time. Ideally, each substance has a unique retention time in the chromatogram for a specific set of operating conditions. However, caution is required because the GC separation may be incomplete and a single peak may represent more than one compound. This is especially true of unknown mixtures and complex mixtures because of the very large number of possible compounds in existence and the finite number of peaks that a chromatograph might resolve. Additional characterization data may be provided by ancillary techniques, such as spectrometry.

5. Significance and Use
5.1 This practice describes a procedure for packed-column gas chromatography. It provides general comments, recommended techniques, and precautions. A recommended form for reporting GC methods is given in Section 14.