6.1 Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Apparatus (manual) - This apparatus consists of the test cup, test cover and shutter, stirring device, heating source, ignition source device, air bath, and top plate described in detail in Annex A1. The assembled manual apparatus, test cup, test cup cover, and test cup assembly are illustrated in Figs. A1.1-A1.4, respectively. Dimensions are listed respectively.
6.2 Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Apparatus (automated) - This apparatus is an automated flash point instrument that is capable of performing the test in accordance with Section 11 (Procedure A) and Section 12 (Procedure B) of these test methods. The apparatus shall use the test cup, test cover and shutter, stirring device, heating source, and ignition source device described in detail in Annex A1.
6.3 Temperature Measuring Device - Is a thermometer having a range as shown as follows and conforming to the requirements prescribed in Specification E 1 or in Annex A3, or an electronic temperature measuring device, such as resistance thermometers or thermocouples. The device shall exhibit the same temperature response as the mercury thermometers.
7. Reagents and Materials
7.1 Cleaning Solvents - Use suitable solvent capable of cleaning out the specimen from the test cup and drying the test cup and cover. Some commonly used solvents are toluene and acetone. (Warning - Toluene, acetone, and many solvents are flammable and a health hazard. Dispose of solvents and waste material in accordance with local regulations.)