ASTM D7583 Standard Test Method for John Deere Coolant Cavitation Test
8. Preparation of Apparatus
8.1 Cleaning of Parts:
8.1.1 General - The preparation of test engine components specific to the John Deere Coolant Cavitation Test are indicated in this section. Use the John Deere publication CTM61 (13MAY93) 6101 Component Technical Manual for preparation of other engine parts. Take precautions to prevent rusting of iron components.
8.1.2 Engine Block - Disassemble the engine, including removal of the pistons and cylinder liners. Thoroughly clean the surfaces and oil passages (galleries). Removal of camshaft bearings is at the discretion of the laboratory.
8.1.3 Cylinder Head - Disassemble and clean the cylinder head. Use a brush as necessary to remove deposits.
8.1.4 Rocker Cover and Oil Pan - Clean the rocker cover and oil pan. Use a brush as necessary to remove deposits.
8.1.5 External Oil System - Flush the internal surfaces of the oil lines and the external reservoir with solvent. Repeat until the solvent drains clean. Flush solvent through the oil pumps until the solvent drains clean.
8.1.6 Rod Bearing Cleaning and Measurement: Clean the rod bearings with Stoddard solvent. Use a non-metallic soft bristle brush if necessary. Avoid handling the rod bearings with bare hands. Use gloves or plastic covered tongs. Spray the rod bearings with air until dry. Rinse the rod bearings in pentane and dry with air. Perform the plastigage clearance check (0.051 - 0.127 cm max).
8.1.7 Ring Cleaning and Measurement: After the piston rings have been removed from the piston use carburetor cleaner or Stoddard solvent to soften the carbon deposits. Once the deposits have softened use a hand held brass wire brush or a brass pick to remove the carbon deposits. Scotch-Brite (3M part number 7440) may also be used to help remove carbon deposits. Once the piston rings have had all of the carbon removed spray them down with Stoddard solvent and dry them with compressed air. Place the piston rings in clean numbered bags for later measurement and installation on the pistons. Avoid handling the rings with bare hands. Use gloves or plastic covered tongs.
8.1.8 Injector Nozzle: Verify nozzle retaining nut torque is tightened to 88 N·m. Test nozzle for opening pressure, leakage, chatter, and spray pattern per the CTM61 component technical manual.
8.1.9 Pistons - Care must be taken in cleaning the pistons in order to prolong life. After the pistons have been removed from the connecting rods remove loose carbon and oil by washing the pistons in hot soapy water or Stoddard solvent. Carefully remove the piston rings with ring pliers and place them in numbered plastic bags. Soak the pistons in carburetor cleaner until the carbon deposits are softened, then wash the pistons in hot soapy water to neutralize the carburetor cleaner. Remove any remaining carbon deposits with a hand held brass wire brush or a brass pick. When all of the carbon deposits have been removed from the pistons spray them down with solvent and dry them with compressed air. Place the pistons in clean numbered bags for later measurement and installation.
8.2 Engine Assembly:
8.2.1 General - Except as noted in this section, use the procedures indicated in the John Deere CTM61 (13MAY93) Component Technical Manual. Assemble the engine with new liners and gaskets.
8.2.2 Parts Reuse and Replacement - Engine components may be reused or replaced at the discretion of the laboratory, except as noted in 8.2.6.
8.2.3 Build-Up Oil - Use John Deere Plus 50 SAE 15w-40.
8.2.4 Coolant Thermostat - Lock the engine coolant thermostat open.
8.2.5 Fuel Injectors - The fuel injectors may be reused. Dedicate the injectors to a particular cylinder.
8.2.6 New Parts - The only standard new parts are liners and gaskets.
8.3 Operational Measurements:
8.3.1 Units and Formats - See Annex A7.
8.3.2 Instrumentation Calibration: Fuel Consumption Rate Measurement Calibration - Calibrate the fuel consumption rate measurement system before every reference test sequence and at least once every twelve months. Temperature-compensate volumetric systems, and calibrate them against a mass flow device. The flow meter located on the test stand shall indicate within 0.2 % of the calibration standard. Trace the calibration standard to national standards. Temperature Measurement Calibration - Calibrate the temperature measurement systems before every reference test sequence and at least once every twelve months. Each temperature measurement system shall indicate within +/- 0.5° C of the laboratory calibration standard. Trace the calibration standard to national standards. Pressure Measurement Calibration - Calibrate the pressure measurement systems before every reference test sequence and at least once every twelve months. Trace the calibration standard to national standards.
8.3.3 Temperatures: Measurement Location - The temperature measurement locations are specified in this section. The measurement equipment is not specified. Install the sensors such that the tip is located midstream of the flow unless otherwise indicated. The accuracy and resolution of the temperature measurement sensors and the complete measurement system shall follow the guidelines detailed in ASTM Research Report RR: D02-1218. Coolant Out Temperature - Install the sensor in a 1/4 in. NPT hole at the top of the coolant out tube (Fig. A4.4). Coolant In Temperature - Install the sensor located on the right side of the coolant pump intake housing in a 1/4 in. NPT hole (Fig. A4.3). Fuel In Temperature - Install the sensor in a 1/4 in. NPT hole located on the side of the injector pump (Fig. A4.5). Oil Gallery Temperature - Install the sensor in a 1/4 in. NPT hole located at the right rear of the engine (Fig. A4.8). Intake Air Temperature - Install the sensor in a 1/4 in. NPT hole located approximately 26 in. from the compressor inlet (Fig. A4.2). Intake Air after Compressor Temperature - Install the sensor in a 1/4 in. NPT hole located approximately 24 in. from the compressor outlet (Fig. A4.1). Intake Manifold Temperature - Install the sensor in a 1/4 in. NPT hole located approximately 24 in. from the modine outlet (Fig. A4.1). Exhaust Temperature - Install the sensors on the center flange of the exhaust manifold as per Fig. A4.6. Exhaust after Turbo Temperature - Install the sensor in a 1/4 in. NPT hole located approximately 48 in. from the turbo outlet (Fig. A4.7). Additional Temperatures - Monitor any additional temperatures considered to be beneficial.
8.3.4 Pressures: Measurement Location and Equipment - The pressure measurement locations are specified in this section. The measurement equipment is not specified. The accuracy and resolution of the pressure measurement sensors and the complete measurement system shall follow the guidelines detailed in ASTM Research Report RR: D02-1218. Condensation Trap - A condensation trap should be installed at the lowest elevation of the tubing between the pressure measurement location and the final pressure sensor for Crankcase Pressure, Intake Air Pressure, and Exhaust Pressure. Route the tubing to avoid intermediate loops or low spots before and after the condensation trap. Coolant Pressure - Tank is open to atmosphere. Fuel Pressure - Measure the pressure at the 1/4 in. NPT hole located on the side of the injector pump (Fig. A4.5). Oil Gallery Pressure - Measure the pressure at the 1/4 in. NPT hole located at the right rear of the engine (Fig. A4.8). Intake Air Pressure - Measure the pressure at the 1/4 in. NPT hole located approximately 26 in. from the compressor inlet (Fig. A4.2). Intake Air Pressure after Compressor - Measure the pressure at the 1/4 in. NPT hole located approximately 24 in. from the compressor outlet (Fig. A4.1). Intake Manifold Pressure - Measure the pressure at the 1/4 in. NPT hole located approximately 24 in. from the modine outlet (Fig. A4.1). Exhaust after Turbo Pressure - Measure the pressure at the 1/4 in. NPT hole located approximately 48 in. from the turbo outlet (Fig. A4.7). Crankcase Pressure - Measure the pressure at the boss on the top-front, left-hand side of the rocker cover (Fig. A4.10). Additional Pressures - Monitor any additional pressures considered to be beneficial.
8.3.5 Flow Rates: Flow Rate Location and Measurement Equipment - The flow rate measurement locations are specified in this section. The equipment for the blowby rate and the fuel rate are not specified. The accuracy and resolution of the flow rate measurement system shall follow the guidelines detailed in ASTM Research Report RR: DO2-1218. Blowby - The device used to measure the blowby flow rate is not specified. See 6.4 for blowby measurement system configuration details. Fuel Flow - The fuel consumption rate is determined by measuring the fuel flowing to the day tank (Fig. X1.2).
9. Engine/Stand Calibration and Non-Reference Oil Tests
9.1 General - Calibrate the test stand by conducting a test with the designated reference coolant. Submit the results to the ASTM Test Monitoring Center (TMC) for determination of acceptance according to the Lubricant Test Monitoring System (LTMS).
9.2 New Test Stand - A new test stand is defined as a test stand that has never been calibrated.
9.2.1 New Test Stand Calibration - New stand calibration is determined according to the LTMS.
9.3 Stand Calibration Period - The calibration period is 12 months for all calibration periods. Up to 12 operationally valid, non-reference coolant tests may be completed during each calibration period.
9.3.1 The TMC may schedule more frequent reference coolant tests or extend the calibration period.
9.4 Stand Modification and Calibration Status - Stand calibration status may be invalidated by conducting any non-standard test or modification of the test and control systems or both. A non-standard test includes any test conducted under a modified procedure, non-procedural hardware, controller set-point modifications, or any combination thereof. The TMC should be contacted prior to any changes to determine the effect on the calibration status.
9.5 Test Numbering System:
9.5.1 General - The test number has three parts, W-X-Y-Z. W represents the test stand number, X represents the stand run number, Y represents the engine serial number, and Z represents the block run number. For example, test number 27-10-4B4607-2 indicates stand number 27, stand test number 10, engine serial number 4B4607, and the second test on engine number 4B4607.
9.5.2 Reference Coolant Tests - The block run number shall be 1 for the first reference attempt. If a second attempt must be made the block run number shall be 2, etc. For example, if two consecutive reference coolant tests were conducted and the first test number was 27-10-4B4607-1, the second test number would be 27-11-4B4607-2 etc.
9.5.3 Non-Reference Coolant Tests - Increment X and Z by one for each non-reference test start.
9.6 Reference Coolant Test Acceptance:
9.6.1 Reference coolant test acceptance is determined in accordance with the LTMS.
9.7 Reference Coolant Accountability:
9.7.1 Laboratories shall provide a full accounting of the identification and quantities of all reference coolant used. No physical or chemical analyses of reference coolant shall be performed without written permission from the TMC. In such an event, include the written confirmation and the data generated in the reference coolant test report.
9.7.2 Retain used reference coolant samples for 90 days from the EOT date.
9.8 Last Start Date - In order for a non-reference coolant test to be within a calibration period, the assembled engine shall be cranked (10.3.3) prior to the expiration of the calibration period (9.3).
9.9 Donated Reference Coolant Test Programs - The surveillance panel is charged with maintaining effective reference coolant test severity and precision monitoring. During times of new parts introductions and procedural revisions, it may be necessary to evaluate the possible effects on severity and precision levels. The surveillance panel may choose to conduct a program of donated reference coolant tests in those laboratories participating in the monitoring system, in order to quantify the effect of a particular change on severity and precision. Typically, the surveillance panel requests its panel members to volunteer enough reference coolant test results to create a robust data set. Broad laboratory participation is needed to provide a representative sampling of the industry. To ensure the quality of the data obtained, donated tests are conducted on calibrated test stands. The surveillance panel shall arrange an appropriate number of donated tests and ensure completion of the test program in a timely manner.
9.10 Adjustments to Reference Coolant Calibration Periods:
9.10.1 Procedural Deviations - On occasions when a laboratory becomes aware of a significant deviation from the test method, such as might arise during an in-house review or a TMC inspection, the laboratory and the TMC shall agree on an appropriate course of action to remedy the deviation. This action may include the shortening of existing reference coolant calibration periods.
9.10.2 Parts and Fuel Shortages - Under special circumstances, such as industry-wide parts or fuel shortages, the surveillance panel may direct the TMC to extend the time intervals between reference coolant tests. These extensions shall not exceed one regular calibration period.
9.10.3 Reference Coolant Test Data Flow - To ensure continuous severity and precision monitoring, calibration tests are conducted periodically throughout the year. There may be occasions when laboratories conduct a large portion of calibration tests in a short period of time. This could result in an unacceptably large time frame when very few calibration tests are conducted. The TMC can shorten or extend calibration periods as needed to provide a consistent flow of reference coolant test data. Adjustments to calibration periods are made such that laboratories incurred no net loss (or gain) in calibration status.
9.10.4 Special Use of the Reference Coolant Calibration System - The surveillance panel has the option to use the reference coolant system to evaluate changes that have potential impact on test severity and precision. This option is only taken when a program of donated tests is not feasible. The surveillance panel and the TMC shall develop a detailed plan for the test program. This plan requires all reference coolant tests in the program to be completed as close to the same time as possible, so that no laboratory/stand calibration is left in an excessively long pending status. In order to maintain the integrity of the reference coolant monitoring system, each reference coolant test is conducted so as to be interpretable for stand calibration. To facilitate the required tests and scheduling, the surveillance panel may direct the TMC to lengthen and shorten reference coolant calibration periods within laboratories such that the laboratories incur no net loss (or gain) in calibration status.