ASTM D7578 Standard Guide for Calibration Requirements for Elemental Analysis of Petroleum Products and Lubricants
13. Blank Determination
13.1 Although every attempt is made during an analysis to use pure reagents and maintain a clean working environment, often there will be contamination from unknown quantity of analyte of interest in an analytical sequence. To minimize such effects, a blank should always be subtracted from the sample and standard measurement responses. The blank sample in such cases should contain same quantities of reagents or solvents added to the samples and undergo through the same processing steps to mimic a sample treatment.
14. Keywords
14.1 atomic absorption spectrometry; balances; calibration; calibration standard; check standard; electrometric methods; ICP-AES methods; lubricants; petroleum products; photometric methods; reference material; temperature measuring devices; timers; verification; XRF methods