ASTM D7566 for Aviation Turbine Fuel Containing Synthesized Hydrocarbons
10. Report
10.1 The type and number of reports to ensure conformance with the requirements of this specification shall be mutually agreed upon by the seller and the purchaser of the aviation turbine fuel.
10.2 A suggested form for reporting inspection data on aviation turbine fuels is given in Appendix X4.
11. Test Methods
NOTE 3 - Where IP test methods are referenced in this standard as alternatives to ASTM test methods, the following nomenclature is used. Where test methods are officially jointed, this is denoted as Dxxxx / IP xxx. Where test methods are technically equivalent or related but not officially jointed, this is denoted as Dxxxx or IP xxx.
11.1 Determine the requirements enumerated in this specification in accordance with the following test methods.
11.1.1 Density - Test Method D1298/IP 160 or D4052 or IP 365.
11.1.2 Distillation - Test Method D86 or IP 123. For Jet A and Jet A-1, Test Method D2887/IP 406 may be used as an alternate. Results from Test Method D2887/IP 406 shall be reported as estimated D86 or IP 123 results by application of the correlation in Appendix X5 of D2887 or Annex G of IP 406. In case of dispute, Test Method D86 shall be the referee method (see X1.6.1.1).
11.1.3 Flash Point - Test Method D56, D3828, IP 170 or IP 523.
11.1.4 Freezing Point - Test Method D5972/IP 435, D7153/IP 529, D7154/IP 528, or D2386/IP 16. Any of these test methods may be used to certify and recertify jet fuel. However, Test Method D2386/IP 16 is the referee method. An interlaboratory study (RR:D02-157216) that evaluated the ability of freezing point methods to detect jet fuel contamination by diesel fuel determined that Test Methods D5972/IP 435 and D7153/IP 529 provided significantly more consistent detection of freeze point changes caused by contamination than Test Methods D2386/IP 16 and D7154/IP 528. It is recommended to certify and recertify jet fuel using either Test Method D5972/IP435 or Test Method D7153/IP 529, or both, on the basis of the reproducibility and cross-contamination detection reported in RR:D02-1572.16 The cause of freezing point results outside specification limits by automated methods should be investigated, but such results do not disqualify the fuel from aviation use if the results from the referee method (Test Method D2386/IP 16) are within the specification limit.
11.1.5 Viscosity - Test Method D445/IP 71, Section 1 or Test Method D7042. Results from Test Method D7042 shall be reported as bias-corrected kinematic viscosity results by application of the correction in Test Method D7042, subsection 15.4.4, Relative Bias for jet fuel. In case of dispute, Test Method D445 shall be the referee method.
11.1.6 Net Heat of Combustion - Test Method D4529, D3338, D4809, or IP 12.
11.1.7 Corrosion (Copper Strip) - Test Method D130/IP 154.
11.1.8 Total Acidity - Test Method D3242/IP 354.
11.1.9 Sulfur - Test Method D1266, D2622, D4294, D5453, or IP 336.
11.1.10 Mercaptan Sulfur - Test Method D3227/IP 342.
11.1.11 Microseparometer - Test Method D3948.
11.1.12 Existent Gum - Test Method D381 or IP 540. Test Method D381, using steam jet operating conditions, shall be the referee test method.
11.1.13 Thermal Stability - Test Method D3241/IP 323.
11.1.14 Aromatics - Test Method D1319, IP 156 or D6379/IP 436. Test Method D1319 shall be the referee test method.
11.1.15 Smoke Point - Test Method D1322/IP 57.
11.1.16 Naphthalene Content - Test Method D1840.
11.1.17 Electrical Conductivity - Test Method D2624/IP 274.
12. Keywords
12.1 aviation turbine fuel; avtur; Jet A; Jet A-1; jet fuel; synthesized hydrocarbons; synthesized iso-paraffins; synthesized paraffinic kerosine; synthetic blending component; turbine fuel