ASTM D7345 Standard Test Method for Distillation of Petroleum Products and Liquid Fuels at Atmospheric Pressure (Micro Distillation Method)
6. Apparatus
6.1 Basic Components of the Automatic Apparatus:
6.1.1 The basic components of the micro distillation unit are the distillation flask, a condensate recovery area with waste beaker, an enclosure for the distillation flask with the heat source and flask support, the specimen liquid temperature measuring device, the specimen vapor temperature measuring device, the distillation flask internal pressure measuring device, the ambient pressure measuring device, the control systems for regulating the distillation process, and the data processing system for converting recorded information into typical industry recognized standard report form.

6.2 Adetailed description of the apparatus is given in Annex A1.

6.3 Barometer for Calibration - A pressure measuring device capable of measuring local station pressure with an accuracy of 0.1 kPa (1 mmHg) or better, at the same elevation relative to sea level where the apparatus is located.
6.3.1 The barometer is only required for periodic calibration of the external and internal pressure measuring devices.

6.3.2 (Warning - Do not take readings from ordinary aneroid barometers, such as those used at weather stations and airports, since these are precorrected to give sea level readings.)

6.4 Sampling Device - Glass or plastics syringe capacity 10 mL +/- 0.3 mL or constant volume dispenser capacity 10 mL +/- 0.3 mL.

6.5 Waste Beaker - Glass approximately 200 mL capacity, outside diameter approximately 70 mm and height approximately 130 mm fitted with a cover to reduce evaporation. The cover design shall allow the beaker to remain open to atmospheric pressure.

7. Reagents and Materials
7.1 Cleaning Solvents, suitable for cleaning and drying the test flask such as; petroleum naphtha and acetone. (Warning - Flammable. Liquid causes eye burns. Vapor harmful. May be fatal or cause blindness if swallowed or inhaled.)

7.2 Toluene, 99.5 % purity. (Warning - Extremely flammable. Harmful if inhaled. Skin irritant on repeated contact. Aspiration hazard.)

7.3 n-Hexadecane, 99 % purity. (Warning - Extremely flammable. Harmful if inhaled. Skin irritant on repeated contact. Aspiration hazard.)

7.4 Chemicals of at least 99 % purity shall be used in the calibration procedure (see 10.2). Unless otherwise indicated, it is intended that all reagents conform to the specifications of the Committee on Analytical Reagents of the American Chemical Society.

7.5 Granular Pumice Stones, clean and dry fine grade pumice stones of diameter 0.8 mm to 3.0 mm, approximately 10 grains are necessary for each test.

7.6 Sample Drying Agent - Anhydrous sodium sulfate has been found to be suitable.