ASTM D7098 Standard Test Method for Oxidation Stability of Lubricants by Thin-Film Oxygen Uptake (TFOUT) Catalyst B
1. Scope
1.1 This test method covers the oxidation stability of lubricants by thin-film oxygen uptake (TFOUT) Catalyst B. This test method evaluates the oxidation stability of petroleum products, and it was originally developed as a screening test to indicate whether a given re-refined base stock could be formulated for use as automotive engine oil (see Test Method D4742). The test is run at 160°C in a pressure vessel under oxygen pressure, and the sample contains a metal catalyst package, a fuel catalyst, and water to partially simulate oil conditions in an operating engine. In addition, the test method has since been found broadly useful as an oxidation test of petroleum products.
1.2 The applicable range ofthe induction time is from a few minutes up to several hundred minutes or more. However, the range of induction times used for developing the precision statements in this test method was from 40 to 280 min.
1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. No other units of measurement are included in this standard.
1.3.1 Exception - Pressure units are provided in psig, and dimensions are provided in inches in Annex A1 and Annex A2, because these are the industry accepted standard and the apparatus is built according to the figures shown.
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards:
A314 Specification for Stainless Steel Billets and Bars for Forging
B211 Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Rolled or Cold Finished Bar, Rod, and Wire
D664 Test Method for Acid Number of Petroleum Products by Potentiometric Titration
D1193 Specification for Reagent Water
D2272 Test Method for Oxidation Stability of Steam Turbine Oils by Rotating Pressure Vessel
D4742 Test Method for Oxidation Stability of Gasoline Automotive Engine Oils by Thin-Film Oxygen Uptake (TFOUT)
E1 Specification for ASTM Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers
E144 Practice for Safe Use of Oxygen Combustion Vessels
3. Terminology
3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
3.1.1 break point - the precise point of time at which rapid oxidation of the oil begins.
3.1.2 oxidation induction time - the time until the oil begins to oxidize at a relatively rapid rate as indicated by the decrease of oxygen pressure.
3.1.3 oxygen uptake - oxygen absorbed by oil as a result of oil oxidation.