ASTM D7042 Test Method for Dynamic Viscosity and Density of Liquids by Stabinger Viscometer (and the Calculation of Kinematic Viscosity)
4. Summary of Test Method
4.1 The test specimen is introduced into the measuring cells, which are at a closely controlled and known temperature. The measuring cells consist of a pair of rotating concentric cylinders and an oscillating U-tube. The dynamic viscosity is determined from the equilibrium rotational speed of the inner cylinder under the influence of the shear stress of the test specimen and an eddy current brake in conjunction with adjustment data. The density is determined by the oscillation frequency of the U-tube in conjunction with adjustment data. The kinematic viscosity is calculated by dividing the dynamic viscosity by the density.
5. Significance and Use
5.1 Many petroleum products, and some non-petroleum materials, are used as lubricants and the correct operation of the equipment depends upon the appropriate viscosity of the liquid being used. In addition, the viscosity of many petroleum fuels is important for the estimation of optimum storage, handling, and operational conditions. Thus, the accurate determination of viscosity is essential to many product specifications.
5.2 Density is a fundamental physical property that can be used in conjunction with other properties to characterize both the light and heavy fractions of petroleum and petroleum products.
5.3 Determination of the density or relative density of petroleum and its products is necessary for the conversion of measured volumes to volumes at the standard temperature of 15°C.