ASTM D6984 Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Automotive Engine Oils in the Sequence IIIF, Spark-Ignition Engine
13. Report
13.1 For reference oil results, use the standardized report form set available from the ASTM TMC and data dictionary for reporting test results and for summarizing operational data.
13.1.1 Fill out the report forms according to the formats shown in the data dictionary.

13.1.2 Transmit results to the TMC within 5 working days of test completion.

13.1.3 Transmit the results electronically as described in the ASTM Data Communications Committee Test Report Transmission Model (Section 2 - Flat File Transmission Format) available from the ASTM TMC. Upload files via the TMC's website.

13.2 Report all reference oil test results, whether aborted, invalidated, or successfully completed, to the TMC.

13.3 Deviations from Test Operational Limits - Report all deviations from specified test operational limits.

13.4 Precision of Reported Units - Use the Practice E29 rounding-off method for critical pass/fail test result data. Report the data to the same precision as indicated in data dictionary.

13.5 In the space provided, note the time, date, test hour, and duration of any shutdown or off-test condition. Document the outcome of all prior reference oil tests from the current calibration sequence that were operationally or statistically invalid.

13.6 If a calibration period is extended beyond the normal calibration period length, make a note in the comment section and attach a written confirmation of the granted extension from the TMC to the test report. List the outcomes of previous runs that may need to be considered as part of the extension in the comment section.

14. Precision and Bias
14.1 Precision - Test precision is established based on reference oil test results (for operationally valid tests) monitored by the TMC. Table 1 summarizes reference oil precision of the test based on results obtained with TMC Reference Oils 1006, 1006-2, 433, 433-1, 1008, and 1008-1. (Values are valid as of May 1,2003. Contact the TMC for current precision values.)
14.1.1 Intermediate Precision Conditions - Conditions where test results are obtained with the same test method using the same test oil, with changing conditions such as operators, measuring equipment, test stands, test engines, and time. Intermediate Precision Limit (i.p.) - The difference between two results obtained under intermediate precision conditions that would, in the long run, in the normal and correct conduct of the test method, exceed the values in Table 1 in only one case in twenty. When only a single test result is available, the Intermediate Precision Limit can be used to calculate a range (test result +/- Intermediate Precision Limit) outside of which a second test would be expected to fall about one time in twenty.

NOTE 14 - "Intermediate precision" is the appropriate term for this test method, rather than "repeatability", which defines more rigorous within-laboratory conditions.

14.1.2 Reproducibility Conditions - Conditions where test results are obtained with the same test method using the same test oil in different laboratories with different operators using different equipment. Reproducibility Limit (R) - The difference between two results obtained under reproducibility conditions that would, in the long run, in the normal and correct conduct of the test method, exceed the values in Table 1 in only one case in twenty. When only a single test result is available, the Reproducibility Limit can be used to calculate a range (test result +/- Reproducibility Limit) outside of which a second test would be expected to fall about one time in twenty.

14.2 Bias - Bias is determined by applying an accepted statistical technique to reference oil test results and when a significant bias is determined, a SA is permitted for non-reference oil test results.

15. Keywords
15.1 cam and lifter wear; deposits; engine oil; engine wear; high-temperature performance; oil consumption; oil thickening; oil viscosity; oxidation resistance; Sequence IIIF test; spark-ignition automotive engine; varnish; varnish deposition