ASTM D6922 Test Method for Determination of Homogeneity and Miscibility in Automotive Engine Oils
6. Apparatus
6.1 Test Jar - cylindrical, of clear glass, flat bottom, 33.2 to 34.8-mm outside diameter, and 115 to 125 mm in height. The inside diameter of the jar can range from 30.0 to 32.4 mm, within the constraint that the wall thickness be no greater than 1.6 mm. The jar shall have a line to indicate a sample height 563 mm above the inside bottom.
6.2 Thermometers - ASTM 6C, calibrated with a range of -80 to +20°C, conforming to Specification E 1.
6.3 Stoppers - clean stoppers, some unbored and others centrally bored for test thermometers.
6.4 Jacket - a glass or metal, water tight, cylindrical form with a flat bottom and approximately 120 mm in depth. The inside diameter of the jacket shall be 9.0 to 12.0 mm greater than the outside diameter of the test jar.
6.5 Disk - cork or felt, about 6 mm in thickness and of the same diameter as the inside of the jacket.
6.6 Gasket - a ring gasket, about 5.0 mm in thickness, to fit snugly around the outside of the test jar and loosely inside the jacket. The purpose of the ring gasket is to prevent the test jar from touching the jacket.
6.7 Bath - a liquid cooling bath suitable to obtain the required temperatures.
6.8 Oven - a constant temperature oven suitable to obtain the required temperatures.
6.9 Automated Pour Point Tester (Alternative) - There are automated pour point testers available and in use which may be advantageous. They save test time, permit the use of smaller samples, and have other factors which may merit their use. If automated testers are used, the user shall ensure that all of the manufacturer's instructions for calibration, adjustment, and operation of the instrument are followed. It shall be reported that the pour point was determined by an automatic instrument. In some cases, precision of automatic pour point testers may not have been determined. In any case of dispute, the pour point as determined by the manual method described herein shall be considered the referee test.
7. Reagents
7.1 Reference Oils, HMA through HMF - These are available from the Test Monitoring Center.
8. Sampling
8.1 Take samples to be tested in accordance with the instructions in Practice D4057.
9. Test Preparation
9.1 Place the seven clean test jars in a holder.
9.2 Measure and mark each test jar as follows:
9.2.1 Measuring inside the test jar, mark each jar at 23 and 54 mm from the bottom.
9.2.2 Mark the first test jar for use with the undiluted test oil specimen.
9.2.3 Mark six test jars with the letters A through F to designate which reference oil will be mixed with the test oil.
9.3 Vigorously shake the test oil.
9.4 Using test oil, fill the six jars (that were marked for use with reference oil) to the 23-mm mark.
9.5 Fill the test jar that was marked for the undiluted test oil, to the 54-mm mark.
9.6 Vigorously shake the six reference oils.
9.7 Fill the test jars marked A through F with the corresponding reference oil to the 54-mm mark.
9.8 Firmly place the unbored stoppers in each of the test jars and shake the test jars vigorously.
9.9 Remove the stoppers from each test jar.