ASTM D6668 Standard Test Method for Discrimination Between Flammability Ratings of F = 0 and F = 1
9. Procedure
9.1 Rinse interior of planchet with mineral spirits, wipe drywith absorbent tissue.
9.2 Set the control transformer to bring the interior surface of the planchet to 1500°F. Adjust the transformer setting until the surface temperature remains at 1500 +/- 10°F (815.5 +/- 6°C).
9.3 Liquid Samples - Introduce a 0.1 mL specimen on to the heated planchet surface and observe for evidence of burning as defined in 3.1.1. If no burning is observed, repeat for 0.2 mL, 0.5 mL, and 1.0 mL specimens, as required, to establish whether burning occurs. If burning is observed for any specimen size, further investigation with larger specimens is not required.
9.4 Solid Specimens - Introduce a 0.1 g specimen on to the heated planchet surface and observe for evidence of burning as defined by 3.1.1. If no burning is observed, repeat for 0.2, 0.5, and 1.0 g specimens, as required, to establish whether burning occurs. If burning is observed for any specimen size, further investigation with larger specimens is not required.
9.5 A complete test for either liquid or solid specimens shall include duplication of 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, or 9.4, or a comination thereof, as may be required to confirm initial findings.
NOTE 1 - This procedure may be conducted at individual temperatures lower than 1500°F (815.5°C) or at a series of lower temperatures to deterrmine the threshold for burning. Any such variations in test procedure shall be reported.