ASTM D6621 Performance Testing of Process Analyzers for Aromatic Hydrocarbon Materials
4. Summary of Practice
4.1 This practice standardizes aromatic hydrocarbon process-analyzer performance testing practices, or processes for maintaining accurate and precise analyzer measurements. It is used with methods for the measurement and certification of aromatic hydrocarbon materials applied to continuous on-line analyzers. These methods are generally under the control of Committee D16 on Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Related Chemicals. It is meant as a practical guide for persons setting up and maintaining these analyzers in a process (non-laboratory) environment. They should apply it, with their knowledge of the analyzer's operation and of how the process analyzer results are to be used, to maintain and optimize analyzer operation.
5. Significance and Use
5.1 Performance testing of on-line analyzers is critical to their proper performance within predictable levels of precision and accuracy. This practice can affect production efficiency and certification of aromatic hydrocarbon materials.