ASTM D6595 Method for Wear Metals and Contaminants in Used Lubricating Oils
ASTM D6595 Standard Test Method for Determination of Wear Metals and Contaminants in Used Lubricating Oils or Used Hydraulic Fluids by Rotating Disc Electrode Atomic Emission Spectrometry
13. Procedure
13.1 Analysis of Oil Samples - Analyze the test specimen in the same calibration curve program and manner as the standardization standards. A new disc electrode and re-pointed rod electrode or new counter disc electrode must be used for each analysis. A laboratory grade paper towel or installation tool shall be used to install the disc electrode in order to protect it from contamination from the fingers. Cleaning procedures recommended by the manufacturer shall be followed to avoid cross contamination or buildup of spilled sample.
13.2 Analysis of Flammable Samples - A non-plastic specimen holder cover shall be used on the specimen holder when hydraulic samples that might catch on fire during the analysis are analyzed. The cover retards flaming and minimizes smoke that will attenuate the analytical signal. Most covers will fit on reusable or disposable specimen holders.
13.3 Quality Control with a Check Sample - Analyze a check sample at least every hour during continuous operation or every 25 samples during intermittent operation to confirm that the instrument is still within the required more or less 10 % accuracy guidelines for each element of interest.