ASTM D6299 Evaluate Analytical Measurement System Performance
ASTM D6299 Standard Practice for Applying Statistical Quality Assurance Techniques to Evaluate Analytical Measurement System Performance
4. Summary of Practice
4.1 QC samples and check standards are regularly analyzed by the measurement system. Control charts and other statistical techniques are presented to screen, plot, and interpret test results in accordance with industry-accepted practices to ascertain the in-statistical-control status of the measurement system.

4.2 Statistical estimates of the measurement system precision and bias are calculated and periodically updated using accrued data.

4.3 In addition, as part of a separate validation audit procedure, QC samples and check standards may be submitted blind or double-blind and randomly to the measurement system for routine testing to verify that the calculated precision and bias are representative of routine measurement system performance when there is no prior knowledge of the expected value or sample status.

5. Significance and Use
5.1 This practice can be used to continuously demonstrate the proficiency of analytical measurement systems that are used for establishing and ensuring the quality of petroleum and petroleum products.

5.2 Data accrued, using the techniques included in this practice, provide the ability to monitor analytical measurement system precision and bias.

5.3 These data are useful for updating test methods as well as for indicating areas of potential measurement system improvement.