ASTM D6184 Test Method for Oil Separation from Lubricating Grease (Conical Sieve Method)
6. Apparatus
6.1 Test Apparatus - The assembled apparatus consists of a cone-shaped sieve constructed of 60-mesh, corrosion -resistant wire cloth, a 200-mL tall-form beaker without spout, and a closely fitting cover with a hook in the center. Construction details and dimensions are shown in Fig. 1.
6.1.1 The conical sieve shall be fabricated of stainless steel, monel, or nickel wire cloth, of No. 60 medium-heavy mesh as defined in Table 2 of Specification E 437 and shall be fabricated to the dimensions and requirements shown in Fig. 1.

NOTE 3 - Sieves of stapled or wire-bound construction, instead of silver soldered construction, have been used in the past. Such sieves do not conform to this test method.

6.2 Oven, capable of maintaining the specified temperature, 100 +/- 0.5°C.

6.3 Balance, having a minimum capacity of 250 g and a sensitivity of at least 0.01 g.

7. Sampling
7.1 Examine the sample for any indication of non-homogeneity such as oil separation, phase changes, or gross contamination. If any abnormal conditions are found, obtain a new sample.

7.2 The sample submitted for analysis should be minimally sufficient for duplicate testing.

7.3 Although the mass of the test grease is determined, the sieve is filled by volume rather than mass. Each test will require a quantity sufficient to fill the sieve to approximately the same level as indicated in Fig. 1 (about 10 mL). Approximately the same volume shall be used for each test regardless of the grease density; the mass will range from about 8 to 12 g.

8. Preparation of Apparatus
8.1 Carefully clean the sieve, beaker, and cover, by wiping with a suitable solvent. Allow the sieve to air dry. See Note 4.

NOTE 4 - Use of an ultrasonic solvent bath has been found helpful in cleaning the sieve.

8.2 Inspect the sieve to make certain that it is clean and free of deposits that could affect the passage of oil. It shall be free of any screen irregularities such as tears, dents, creases, or enlarged or diminished openings.