ASTM D613 standard test method for cetane number of diesel fuel oil
4. Summary of Test Method
4.1 The cetane number of a diesel fuel oil is determined by comparing its combustion characteristics in a test engine with those for blends of reference fuels of known cetane number under standard operating conditions. This is accomplished using the bracketing handwheel procedure which varies the compression ratio (handwheel reading) for the sample and each of two bracketing reference fuels to obtain a specific ignition delay permitting interpolation of cetane number in terms of handwheel reading.

5. Significance and Use
5.1 The cetane number provides a measure of the ignition characteristics of diesel fuel oil in compression ignition engines.

5.2 This test method is used by engine manufacturers, petroleum refiners and marketers, and in commerce as a primary specification measurement related to matching of fuels and engines.

5.3 Cetane number is determined at constant speed in a precombustion chamber type compression ignition test engine. The relationship of test engine performance to full scale, variable speed, variable load engines is not completely understood.

5.4 This test method may be used for unconventional fuels such as synthetics, vegetable oils, and the like. However, the relationship to the performance of such materials in full scale engines is not completely understood.

6. Interferences
6.1 (Warning - Avoid exposure of sample fuels and reference fuels to sunlight or fluorescent lamp UV emissions to minimize induced chemical reactions that can affect cetane number ratings.)

6.1.1 Exposure of these fuels to UV wavelengths shorter than 550 nm for a short period of time may significantly affect cetane number ratings.

6.2 Certain gases and fumes present in the area where the cetane test engine is located may have a measurable effect on the cetane number test result.

6.3 This test method is not suitable for rating diesel fuel oils with fluid properties that interfere with unimpeded gravity flow of fuel to the fuel pump or delivery through the injector nozzle.