ASTM D6080 for defining the viscosity characteristics of hydraulic fluids
8. Adoption of Practice
8.1 Adoption of this practice is voluntary for all persons or organizations. The practice will be effective only when used widely by designers, producers, and consumers. There is nothing to prohibit the use of a viscosity grade or designation not listed in this practice if the producer and consumer mutually agree. It may be expected that hydraulic fluids with viscosity designations not in accordance with this practice will be less readily available to the purchaser than those products which do conform.
8.2 The establishment of standardized viscosity designations as described here shall not imply nor require that a full range of viscosities be made available by all lubricant suppliers for each and every type of hydraulic fluid which the supplier markets. Availability will be dictated by local demand.
9. Keywords
9.1 Brookfield viscosity; hydraulic fluid; shear stability; viscosity; viscosity classification