ASTM D6079 Evaluating Lubricity of Diesel Fuels by the High-Frequency Reciprocating Rig (HFRR)
6. Apparatus
6.1 High-Frequency Reciprocating Rig (HFRR), (see Fig.1) capable of rubbing a steel ball loaded with a 200-g mass against a stationary steel disk completely submerged in a test fuel. The apparatus uses a 1-mm stroke length at a frequency of 50 Hz for 75 min. Complete operating conditions are listed in Table 1.
6.2 Test Reservoir, capable of holding a test disk in a rigid manner beneath the test fuel. The temperature of this reservoir, and consequently the test fuel contained in it, is maintained by means of a closely attached electrically controlled heater pad.
6.3 Control Unit, for controlling stroke length, frequency, test reservoir temperature, friction force, electrical contact potential, and test duration, with an electronic data acquisition and control system.
6.4 Microscope, capable of 100x magnification in graduations of 0.1 mm and incremented in divisions of 0.01 mm.
6.4.1 Glass Slide Micrometer, with a scale ruled in 0.01 mm divisions.
6.5 Cleaning Bath, ultrasonic seamless stainless steel tank with adequate capacity and a cleaning power of 40 W or greater.
6.6 Desiccator, containing a non-indicating drying agent, capable of storing test disks, balls, and hardware.
7. Reagents and Materials
7.1 Acetone, (Warning - Extremely flammable. Vapors may cause flash fire.), conforming to Specification D329.
7.2 Compressed Air, (Warning - Compressed gas under high pressure. Use with extreme caution in the presence of combustible material.), containing less than 0.1 ppmv hydrocarbons and 50 ppmv water.
7.3 Gloves, clean, lint-free, cotton, disposable
7.4 Reference Fluids:
7.4.1 Fluid A - High lubricity reference (Warning - Flammable.). Store in clean, borosilicate glass with an aluminum foil-lined insert cap. Store in dark area.
7.4.2 Fluid B - Low lubricity reference (Warning - Flammable. Vapor harmful.). Store in clean, borosilicate glass with an aluminum foil-lined insert cap. Store in a dark area.
7.5 Test Ball, (Grade 24 per ANSI B3.12) of AISI E-52100 steel, with a diameter of 6.00 mm, having a Rockwell hardness "C" scale (HRC) number of 58-66, in accordance with Test Method E 18, and a surface finish of less than 0.05 µm Ra.
7.6 Test Disk, 10 mm disk of AISI E-52100 steel machined from annealed rod, having a Vickers hardness "HV 30", in accordance with Specification E 92, a scale number of 190-210, turned, lapped, and polished to a surface finish of less than 0.02 µm Ra.
7.7 Toluene, (Warning - Flammable. Harmful if inhaled.), conforming to Specification D362.
7.8 Wiper, wiping tissue, light-duty, lint-free, hydrocarbon-free, disposable.