ASTM D5966 Test Method for Evaluation of Engine Oils for Roller Follower Wear
ASTM D5966 Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Engine Oils for Roller Follower Wear in Light-Duty Diesel Engine
9. Test Procedure
9.1 Description of Test Segments and Organization of Test Procedure Sections:
9.1.1 New Engine Break-in - A break-in is only performed on a new engine. A break-in is not performed before each steady state test. New engine break-in is detailed in 9.7.
9.1.2 Pretest Procedure - The pretest segment is used to flush previous oil from the test engine and is performed before each 50-h wear test. Pretest segment is detailed in 9.8.
9.1.3 Fifty-Hour Steady State Test - The actual test used to measure roller follower shaft wear is a 50-h test run at steady state conditions shown in Table 1. Paragraph 9.9 describes the operation of the 50-h test.
9.1.4 Engine Starting and Shutdown Procedures - Paragraphs 9.3-9.5 describe the engine starting and shutdown procedures.
9.2 Engine Parts Replacement - The roller followers cannot be replaced during the test. Record the circumstances involved in any other engine parts replacement on the Supplemental Operational Data pages.
9.3 Engine Starting Procedure - The following procedure shall be used each time the engine is started:
9.3.1 Turn on the safety circuits and the engine coolant pump.
9.3.2 Crank the engine.
9.3.3 The control systems shall allow the engine to start within 10 s.
NOTE 4 - Caution: Verify that the oil sump and cooling system have been charged before starting the engine.
NOTE 5 - Caution: Verify there is an adequate supply of cooling water to the exhaust manifolds and external heat exchangers. Without sufficient coolant flow, the engine and exhaust manifolds will overheat and sustain serious damage.
NOTE 6 - Caution: Do not spray starting fluids into the intake-air horn to assist engine starting.
NOTE 7 - Caution: Do not crank the engine excessively. If starting difficulties are encountered, perform diagnostics to determine why engine will not start. Excessive cranking times may promote increased engine wear.
9.3.4 Operate the engine speed at 1000 r/min and no load 5 min.
9.3.5 After 5 min, increase the load to 7.5 kW and maintain the engine speed at 1000 r/min. Maintain this condition for 15 min. The test time begins 10 min after the completion of the 15 min warm-up period.
9.3.6 During the 10 min after the warm-up, maintain the engine speed at 1000 r/min and increase the load until the fuel consumption rate meets the specification shown in Table 1. Maintain these conditions for the duration of the test.
9.4 Normal Engine Shutdown Procedure - Unless an emergency condition exists, the following procedure shall be followed each time the engine is shutdown.
9.4.1 Reduce the engine load to 0 kW.
9.4.2 Operate the engine for 5 min.
9.4.3 Stop the engine.
9.5 Emergency Shutdown Procedure - If an emergency condition exists, shut off the fuel supply and stop the engine.
9.6 Unscheduled Shutdowns and Downtime - The test can be shut down at any convenient time to perform unscheduled maintenance. Report all unscheduled shutdowns on Fig. A4.1 of the final test report.
9.6.1 Resumption of Test Time After a Shutdown - After a shutdown, test time begins 10 min after the completion of the 15 min period at 7.5 kW in 9.3.5.
9.7 New Engine Break-in - The break-in provides an opportunity to stabilize a new engine and is only performed after a new engine has been installed on the test stand and prior to a reference test. The break-in is not performed before each 50-h non-reference test.
9.7.1 The break-in is comprised of two stages - a stepped, steady state stage and a cyclic stage. Table 2 describes the steady state stage. The cyclic portion is described in Table 3 (see and Use the lifters which came in the assembled engine for the engine break-in.
9.7.2 New Engine Break-in Oil Charge: Install a new AC PF-35 oil filter. Connect the flush system outlet to the oil cooler. Use the flush system to charge 6.5 kg of break-in oil into the engine.
NOTE 8 - Break-in oil is defined in 7.1.5. Remove the flush system outlet hose from the oil cooler and cap the oil cooler fitting.
9.7.3 New Engine Break-in Operating Procedure: Start the engine according to 9.3. Operate the engine according to the steady state sequence shown in Table 2. Operate the engine according to the cyclic sequence shown in Table 3. Except for speed and load, use the targets shown in Table 4 for all other controller set points. Total cycle length is 30 min (a cycle includes Steps 2 through 17). Each transition is 30 s in length. Steps 2 through 11 are 60 s each; Steps 12 through 17 are 120 s each. Repeat the cycle 100 times to complete the 50-h cyclic portion of the break-in. The engine will not maintain specifications for some of the parameters shown in Table 4 especially during the cyclic stage. Controller set points should be maintained at the specifications shown in Table 4 for all parameters except engine speed and load. The engine will consume oil during the cyclic portion of the break-in. An engine will normally consume 1 L of oil/16 h of break-in operation. Approximately 1 L of oil should be added during Step 17 at 17 h and 34 h.
9.8 Pretest Procedure - The engine pretest procedure allows an opportunity to charge the crankcase with test oil, verify injection timing, check the crankcase dipstick level and install test lifters (roller followers). Complete the pretest procedure before running each 50-h steady state reference or non-reference test.
9.8.1 The laboratory ambient atmosphere shall be reasonably free of contaminants. Temperature and humidity level of the operating area are not specified. Divert air from fans or ventilation systems away from the test engine.
9.8.2 Initial Test Oil Flush and Lifter Installation: Weigh and install a new AC PF-35 oil filter. Connect the flush system inlet to the fitting on the bottom of the oil pan. Connect the flush system outlet to the external oil cooler inlet. Charge 6.0 kg of test oil into the engine. Record the actual weight of the oil charge. Circulate the oil with the flush system for 15 min. Drain and weigh the oil from the engine. Remove, weigh, and discard the oil filter. Install a new set of hydraulic lifters in the engine position noted on the roller follower shaft. Orient the hydraulic lifters so that the oil hole faces the front of the engine.
NOTE 9 - A description of the markings on the end of the roller follower shafts is shown in Fig. A6.1.
NOTE 10 - A map of hydraulic lifter positions in the engine is shown in Fig A.3.4. Install the hydraulic lifter guide and hold down plates. Torque the hold down plates to 35 N•m. Install the push rods and rocker arm assemblies in the engine locations marked on the parts. Torque the rocker arm shafts to 50 N•m. Refer to the GM Diesel Engine service manual (GM 16015.05-2) for proper installation.
9.8.3 Second Test Oil Flush: Weigh and install a new test oil filter. Charge 6.0 kg of test oil into the engine by way of the flush system. Record the actual weight of the oil charge. Install the rocker arm cover lids. Circulate the oil with the flush cart for 15 min. After the oil has circulated for 5 min, crank the engine for a minimum of 2 min. Leave the flush system on while the engine is cranked. Drain and weigh the oil from the engine. Remove, weigh, and discard the oil filter.
9.8.4 Test Oil Charge: Weigh and install new oil filter. Disconnect the flush system inlet hose from the oil pan. Install the cap on the oil pan fitting. Use the flush system to charge 6.0 kg of test oil into the engine. Turn off the flush system before the inlet hose picks up air. Remove the flush system outlet hose from the oil cooler. Install the cap on the oil cooler fitting. Be careful not to lose any portion of the test oil charge. Purge the flush system into a container and pour all purged oil into the engine. After a minimum of 2 min, check the oil level with the dipstick. The oil level should be at or near the full mark.
9.8.5 Installation of the Crankcase Pressure Transducer - Remove the dipstick and install the line leading to the crankcase pressure transducer to the dipstick tube.
9.8.6 Calibration of the TDC Indicator - Verifying the calibration of the TDC indicator located on the harmonic balancer is recommended.
9.8.7 Verification of Injection Timing - Start the engine according to 9.3. After the engine speed and fuel rate have stabilized at the specifications shown in Table 1, verify the injection timing is 11.5 +/- 0.5 using the default settings on the timing meter. If the injection timing is outside this specification, rotate the injection pump and remeasure the timing.
9.9 Fifty-Hour Steady State Test - Start the engine according to 9.3. Operate the engine for 50 h at the steady state conditions noted in Table 1.
9.10 Periodic Measurements:
9.10.1 Operational Data Acquisition - Record the operational parameters shown in Table 1 (with the exception of coolant flow rate and coolant pressure) with automated data acquisition at a minimum frequency of once every 6 min.
9.10.2 Injection Timing Measurement - Measure and record the injection timing at least once every test.
9.11 Oil Sampling and Oil Addition Procedures - Take used oil samples at 25 and 50 h and add oil at 25 h. Make no other new oil additions or samples during the test. The sampling and new oil addition procedures are detailed below.
9.11.1 Twenty-Five-Hour Oil Sampling and Oil Addition Procedure:
NOTE 11 - The engine is not shut down for oil addition or oil sampling at 25 h. Weigh 1.0 kg of new oil into a beaker. Remove a 100 mL purge from the engine. Then remove a 100 mL analysis sample from the engine. Label the sample bottle for identification with the test number, date, test hour, and oil code. Pour the 1.0 kg of new test oil and the 100 mL purge into the engine.
9.11.2 Fifty-Hour Oil Sampling Procedure:
NOTE 12 - The engine is not shut down for oil sampling at 50 h. Remove a 100 mL purge from the engine. Remove a 100 mL analysis sample from the engine. Label the sample bottle for identification with the test number, date, test hour, and oil code.
9.12 End of Test (EOT) Procedure:
9.12.1 Engine Oil Removal - Drain the oil from the sump within 60 min of EOT.
9.12.2 Solvent Flush: Charge approximately 7 L of aliphatic naphtha into the engine by way of the flush system. Circulate the solvent with the flush system for 20 min. While the solvent is circulating through the engine, rotate the engine two complete revolutions by hand to flush the valve train assembly. Disconnect the flush system, and drain the solvent from the engine. If the engine is going to be laid up, flush and drain the engine with a 15W40 API CG-4 quality oil to prevent rusting.
9.12.3 Lifter Removal - Remove the lids from the rocker arm covers and remove the lifters from the engine.
9.12.4 Roller Follower Shaft Removal - Remove the axle from the lifter body by pressing the shaft from the body.
10. Calculation and Interpretation of Test Results
10.1 Environment of Parts Measurement Area - The ambient atmosphere of the parts measurement area shall be reasonably free of contaminants. Maintain the temperature within +/-3.0°C of the temperature of the area when the machines were calibrated.
10.2 Roller Follower Shaft Wear Measurements - Measure and record the shape of the wear scar using a skidless stylus type measuring device. Make the measurement with the reference line etched on the end of the roller follower shaft in a vertical position in the measuring device. Calculate the wear from the wear trace chart. In this test, wear for a given shaft is defined as the maximum vertical depth shown on the wear trace chart. An example of a typical wear trace and wear determination is shown in Fig. 6.2. Record the calculated wear and corresponding lifter position number.
10.3 Oil Analysis:
10.3.1 Wear Metals - Measure Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Si, and Sn content on oil samples at 0 h (new oil from container), 25 h and 50 h. Test Method D5185 is recommended.
10.3.2 Viscosity - Measure kinematic viscosity at 100°C on oil samples from 0 h (new oil), 25 h and 50 h in accordance with Annex A7.
10.3.3 Soot Quantity - Determine the soot quantity, % mass, on oil samples from 0 h (new oil), 25 h and 50 h in accordance with Annex A8.
10.4 Assessment of Test Validity - Specific requirements to determine test validity status are shown in Table 5. The testing laboratory shall use engineering judgment to assess the validity of tests which have deviations from the items listed in Table 5. The TMC will assist the laboratory in the determination of test validity, if requested by the laboratory. The mean of each parameter listed below, except injection timing, shall fall within the ranges listed below.
10.5 Injection timing is only measured once per test. All other parameters are measured at least once per 6 min.
10.6 All instrumentation shall be calibrated in accordance with Table A4.1.