ASTM D5966 Test Method for Evaluation of Engine Oils for Roller Follower Wear
ASTM D5966 Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Engine Oils for Roller Follower Wear in Light-Duty Diesel Engine
8. Preparation of Apparatus
8.1 New Engine Preparation - Paragraphs 8.1.1 through 8.1.8 describe preparations that are only performed on a new engine before conducting the new engine break-in.
8.1.1 Engine Front Cover Installation - Install the front cover to the front of the engine block with the gasket supplied and torque all bolts to 40 N•m.

8.1.2 Oil Sump Drain Location - Install a drain in the sump as described in A3.9.3.7.

8.1.3 Glow Plug Replacement - Remove the glow plugs and install 27-in. dry seal NPT socket pressure plugs. Torque the plugs to 20 N•m.

8.1.4 Cold Start Solenoid Disablement - Disconnect the cold start solenoid.

8.1.5 Exhaust Manifolds - Check the flanges to ensure the gasket surfaces are not distorted. Install the required water-cooled exhaust manifolds with the discharge toward the rear of the engine. Use the special studs supplied with the manifolds, and torque the studs to 30 N•m.

8.1.6 Rocker Arm Cover Preparation - Install a new seal to each rocker arm cover lid. Install a new gasket on each rocker arm cover mounting flange. Install the rocker arm covers, but not the lids, at this time.

NOTE 3 - The rocker arm cover lid is removed after each test. An adhesive material can be used to adhere the gasket to the rocker arm cover lid. Installation of a small amount of petroleum jelly to the sealing surface facilitates removal and extends the life of the seal.

8.1.7 Injection Pump Position Verification - Verify the dynamic timing marks on the engine and injection pump flanges are properly aligned. The mark is a line scribed across the top of the pump mounting flange and the injection pump gear drive cover flange.

8.2 Installation of Auxiliary Systems and Miscellaneous Components:
8.2.1 Exhaust Back Pressure Transducer Lines - Check the lines leading to the pressure transducer. Remove any obstructions in the lines.

8.2.2 Crankcase Ventilation System - Clean the oil separator. Install the crankcase vent tube to the atmosphere by way of the oil separator on the rear of the right rocker arm cover as shown in Fig. A3.3.

8.2.3 External Oil System Installation - Configure the external oil system according to the schematic diagram shown in Fig. A3.2. Ensure all hoses and fittings on the oil heat exchanger are properly connected and secure. Brass and copper fittings may influence used oil wear metals analyses and shall not be used in the external oil system.

8.2.4 Engine Cooling System Installation - A suggested engine cooling system is shown in Fig. A3.4. Remove the thermostat.

8.2.5 Engine Coolant System Charge - Charge the engine with coolant solution mixed to the concentration shown in 7.1.2.

8.2.6 Intake Air System Installation - Install the intake air horn and Piezometer ring.

8.2.7 Exhaust System Installation - Install the exhaust manifolds and the exhaust manifold discharge flanges.