ASTM D5966 Test Method for Evaluation of Engine Oils for Roller Follower Wear
ASTM D5966 Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Engine Oils for Roller Follower Wear in Light-Duty Diesel Engine
6. Apparatus
6.1 A listing and complete description of all apparatus used in the test is found in Annex A3. Information concerning procurement of apparatus can be found in Appendix X1.
7. Reagents
7.1 Guidelines on Substitution - No substitutions for the reagents listed in 7.1.1-7.1.3 are allowed.
7.1.1 Aliphatic Naphtha, acceptable from any supplier.
NOTE 1 - Warning: Flammable. Health hazard. Use adequate safety provisions with all solvents and cleansers.
7.1.2 Engine Coolant - The engine coolant is a solution of demineralized water which has less than 0.03 g/kg dissolved solids and an ethylene glycol based anti-freeze mixed at the following concentration - 70 % antifreeze and 30 % water by volume. Demineralized Water, is used as a generic term to describe pure water. Deionized or distilled water may also be used as long as the total dissolved solids content is less than 0.03 g/kg.
7.1.3 Fuel - Approximately 600 L of Howell LSRD-4 reference diesel fuel are required for each test.
NOTE 2 - Warning: Combustible. Health hazard. Use adequate safety provisions. Fuel Batch Analysis - Each fuel shipment does not need to be analyzed upon receipt from the supplier. However, laboratories are responsible for periodic checks for contamination. Any analysis results for parameters tested should be within the tolerances shown on Fig. A5.19. If any results fall outside the tolerances shown on Fig. A5.19, the laboratory should contact the Test Monitoring Center (TMC) for help in resolving the problem. Fuel Batch Storage - The fuel should be stored in accordance with all applicable safety and environmental regulations.
7.1.4 Break-In Oil - Approximately 8 kg of break-in oil are necessary for new engine break-in. Break-in oil is defined as any SAE 15W-40, API CG-4 quality oil.
7.1.5 Non-Reference Test Oil - A minimum of 20 kg of new oil are required to complete the test. A 25-kg sample of new oil is normally provided to allow for inadvertent losses.
7.1.6 Calibration Test Oil - A 22-kg sample of reference oil is provided by the TMC for each calibration test.