ASTM D5966 Test Method for Evaluation of Engine Oils for Roller Follower Wear
ASTM D5966 Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Engine Oils for Roller Follower Wear in Light-Duty Diesel Engine
4. Summary of Test Method
4.1 A pre-assembled GM V8 diesel test engine is installed on a test stand and operated for 50 h.
4.2 The test engine operating conditions are generally more extreme than typical service operating conditions. These conditions provide high soot loading and accelerated roller follower shaft wear while maintaining correlation with wear levels found in the field.
4.3 At the end of the test, the performance of the engine oil is determined by measuring the level of wear on the roller follower shafts.
5. Significance and Use
5.1 This test method is used to determine the ability of an engine crankcase oil to control wear that can develop in the field under low to moderate engine speeds and heavy engine loads. Side-by-side comparisons of two or more oils in delivery van fleets were used to demonstrate the field performance of various oils. The specific operating conditions of this test method were developed to provide correlation with the field performance of these oils.
5.2 This test method, along with other test methods, defines the minimum performance level of the Category API CG-4 for heavy duty diesel engine lubricants. Passing limits for this category are included in Specification D4485.
5.3 The design of the engine used in this test method is not representative of all modern diesel engines. This factor, along with the specific operating conditions used to accelerate wear, shall be considered when extrapolating test results.