ASTM D5800 method for evaporation loss of lubricating oils by the Noack method
34. Quality Control for Procedures A, B, and C
34.1 Procedures A, B, and C require confirmation of the performance of the apparatus by analyzing a quality control (QC) sample.
34.2 Prior to monitoring the measurement process, the user of the test method needs to determine the average value and control limits of the QC sample. (See Practice D6299 and MNL 7.7)
34.3 Record the QC results and analyze by control charts or other statistically equivalent techniques to ascertain the statistical control status of the total testing process. (See Practice D6299 and MNL 7.) Any out-of-control data should trigger investigation for root cause(s). The results of this investigation may, but not necessarily, result in instrument recalibration.
34.4 The frequency of QC testing is dependent on the demonstrated stability of the testing process, customer requirements and the recommendations of the equipment manufacturer. The QC sample precision should be periodically checked against the ASTM test method precision to ensure data quality.
34.5 It is recommended that, if possible, the type of QC sample that is regularly tested be representative of the samples routinely analyzed. An ample supply of QC sample material should be available for the intended period of use and must be homogeneous and stable under the anticipated storage conditions.
35. Keywords
35.1 evaporation loss of lubricants; Noack volatility; volatility of lubricants