To ensure an acceptable precision, this dynamic flash point test method employs a prescribed rate of temperature rise for the material under test. The rate of heating may not in all cases give the precision quoted in the test method because of the low thermal conductivity of certain materials. To improve the prediction of flammability, Test Method D 3941, which utilizes a slower heating rate, was developed. Test Method D 3941 provides conditions closer to equilibrium where the vapor above the liquid and the liquid are at about the same temperature. If a specification requires Test Method D 56, do not change to Test Method D 3941 or other test method without permission from the specifier.

Flash point values are a function of the apparatus design, the condition of the apparatus used, and the operational procedure carried out. Flash point can therefore only be defined in terms of a standard test method, and no general valid correlation can be guaranteed between results obtained by different test methods, or with test apparatus different from that specified.