ASTM D5558 Method for Determination of the Saponification Value of Fats and Oils
5. Calculation and Report
5.1 Calculate the saponification number as follows:

A = titration of blank, and
B = titration of sample.

5.2 Reference this test method as the procedure used in the test report.

6. Precision and Bias
6.1 This test method is adopted from the procedures of the American Leather Chemists Association where it has long been in use and was approved for publication before the inclusion of precision and bias statements was mandated. The original interlaboratory test data are no longer available. The user is cautioned to verify by the use of reference materials, if available, that the precision and bias (or reproducibility) of this test method is adequate for the contemplated use.

7. Keywords
7.1 fats and oils; leather; saponification value