ASTM D5306 Standard Test Method for Linear Flame Propagation Rate of Lubricating Oils and Hydraulic Fluids
6. Apparatus
6.1 Apparatus for measurement of linear flame propagation rates:
6.1.1 Open Top Stainless Steel Box, as shown in Fig. 1.

6.1.2 Recorder, stripchart, fast responses. A zero-centered recorder with a +/- 5 mV range and a one-half second full-scale deflection capacity has been found to be satisfactory. A chart speed of at least 1 in./min has been used for most studies.

6.1.3 Differential Thermocouple Pair, 30 gage with bare junctions and double fiberglass wrap insulation, ISA, Type J or Type K may be prepared from any premium grade thermocouple wire.

6.1.4 Fume Hood, draft-free when ventilation system is not operative.

6.1.5 Weights, 50 +/- 0.01 g, with attached hooks; two required.

6.1.6 Chrome-Plated Tube or Rod, 15 mm diameter by 375 mm long.

6.1.7 Porcelain or Glass Dish, approximately 135 mL capacity.

7. Materials
7.1 Absorbent Paper Wipers, 375 by 213 mm.

7.2 Ceramic Fiber, twisted yarn type 390/312, 4/5, 2.72 or type 390/312, 3/4, 2.72. Ceramic fiber size used shall be agreed upon by supplier and consumer and shall be specified in test report.

7.3 Ignition Source, any paper book matches or wooden kitchen matches can be used.