ASTM D5304 Standard Test Method for Assessing Middle Distillate Fuel Storage Stability by Oxygen Overpressure
4. Summary of Test Method
4.1 A 100 mL aliquot of filtered fuel is placed in a borosilicate glass container. The container is placed in a pressure vessel which has been preheated to 90 °C. The pressure vessel is pressurized with oxygen to 800 kPa (absolute) (100 psig) for the duration of the test. The pressure vessel is placed in a forced air oven at 90 °C for 16 h. (Warning - Observe all normal precautions while using oxygen under pressure and at high temperatures in the presence of combustible liquids. Appropriate shielding should be used for any containers under pressure. Pressurize and depressurize the containers slowly using appropriate personnel shielding. Never attempt to open the pressure vessel while it is pressurized. All fuel and solvent handling should be done in an appropriate fume hood only.) After aging and cooling, the total amount of fuel insoluble products is determined gravimetrically and corrected according to blank determinations.

5. Significance and Use
5.1 The results of this test method are useful in ranking a specific fuel sample against other specific fuel samples or standards when tested under identical conditions. Specific fuel samples containing dispersant additives, such as dispersant-containing stability additives, have shown inaccurate ranking against fuel samples that do not contain dispersant additives using this test method. This test method is not meant to relate a specific fuel to specific field handling and storage conditions. The formation of insolubles is affected by the material present in the storage container and by the ambient conditions. Since this test method is conducted in glass under standardized conditions, the results from different fuels can be compared on a common basis.