ASTM D5302 Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Automotive Engine Oils for Inhibition of Deposit Formation and Wear in a Spark-Ignition Internal Combustion Engine Fueled with Gasoline and Operated Under Low-Temperature, Light-Duty Conditions
15. Report
15.1 Report Format - The various required sections and specific details concerning the format of the report are outlined in this section. Examples of each section are shown in Annex A5 and Annex A7. Deviations in the format are generally not permitted. However, deviations in nomenclature and other details may be permitted. Any desired deviations shall be approved by the TMC. Calibration data for particular reference oils are available from the TMC.
15.2 Special Forms for Automated Data Acquisition - Automated data acquisition systems may require the use of forms that differ from those shown in Annex A5 and Annex A7. Variations in forms for automated data acquisition systems shall be approved by the TMC.
15.3 Standard Report - Include the following sections in the standard test report. Begin each section on a new page and insert the sections in the following order:
15.3.1 Title page (includes validity statement - Fig.A7.1),
15.3.2 Ratings and measurements summary (Fig.A7.2),
15.3.3 Calibration test ratings and measurements summary (Fig.A7.3),
15.3.4 Operational summary (Fig.A7.4),
15.3.5 Supplemental operational data (Fig.A7.5),
15.3.6 Special maintenance record (Fig.A7.6),
15.3.7 Oil analyses (Fig.A7.7),
15.3.8 Valve train inspection detail (Fig.A7.8),
15.3.9 Piston skirt varnish rating breakdown (Fig.A7.9),
15.3.10 Corrected blowby flow rate plot (Fig.A7.10),
15.3.11 Oil addition record (Fig.A7.11),
15.3.12 Origin of significant engine parts (Fig.A7.12),
15.3.13 Characteristics of the data acquisition system (Fig.A7.13),
15.3.14 RAC and camshaft baffle photographs (Fig.A7.14),
15.3.15 Oil pan and screen photographs (Fig.A7.15),
15.3.16 Piston skirt photographs (Fig.A7.16),
15.3.17 Camshaft lobe photographs (Fig.A7.17),
15.3.18 Front seal housing photographs (Fig.A7.18),
15.3.19 Report speed, torque, and exhaust gas CO output during transition, including limits in Table 4 (in accordance with in the format of Fig.A7.19. Take data during test hours 12 through 48. Include copies of the transition plots from the previous stand reference test with each candidate test run. If adjustments are needed to bring the transition into conformance with the requirements of Table 4, include a plot conducted after the adjustment, showing conformance to Table 4 criteria. Where additional plots are required, the last plot may be taken through test hour 64.
15.3.20 Ring adjustment summary, includes cylinder bore wear (Fig.A7.20),
15.3.21 Deviation percentage summary (Fig.A7.21),
15.3.22 Mid limit specification summary (Fig.A7.22),
15.3.23 Engine operational and special maintenance data log (Fig.A7.4).
15.4 Calibration Test Report - Include the following sections in the calibration test report. Begin each section on a new page and insert the sections in the following order:
15.4.1 Title page (includes validity statement - Fig.A7.1),
15.4.2 Calibration test ratings and measurements summary (Fig.A7.3),
15.4.3 Operational summary (Fig.A7.4),
15.4.4 Supplemental operational data (Fig.A7.5),
15.4.5 Special maintenance record (Fig.A7.6),
15.4.6 Oil analyses (Fig.A7.7),
15.4.7 Valve train inspection detail (Fig.A7.8),
15.4.8 Piston skirt varnish rating breakdown (Fig.A7.9),
15.4.9 Corrected blowby flow rate plot (Fig.A7.10),
15.4.10 Oil addition record (Fig.A7.11),
15.4.11 Origin of significant engine parts (Fig.A7.12),
15.4.12 Characteristics of the data acquisition system (Fig.A7.13),
15.4.13 Rocker arm cover and camshaft baffle photographs(Fig.A7.14),
15.4.14 Oil pan and screen photographs (Fig.A7.15),
15.4.15 Piston skirt photographs (Fig.A7.16),
15.4.16 Camshaft lobe photographs (Fig.A7.17),
15.4.17 Front seal housing photographs (Fig.A7.18),
15.4.18 Report speed, torque, and exhaust gas CO output during transition, including limits in Table 4 (in accordance with in the format of Fig.A7.19. Take data during test hours 12 through 48. Include copies of the transition plots from the previous stand reference test with each candidate test run. If adjustments are needed to bring the transition into conformance with the requirements of Table 4, include a plot conducted after the adjustment, showing conformance to Table 4 criteria. Where additional plots are required, the last plot may be taken through test hour 64.
15.4.19 Ring adjustment summary, includes cylinder bore wear (Fig.A7.20),
15.4.20 Deviation percentage summary (Fig.A7.21),
15.4.21 Mid limit specification summary (Fig.A7.22),
15.4.22 Engine operational and special maintenance data log (Fig.A7.4, Fig.A7.5, and Fig.A7.6).
15.5 Photographs - The required photographs are listed in this section and shown in Fig.A7.14 through Fig.A7.18. These figures depict the headings and the recommended orientation of the photographs. Digital images, comparable in pictorial quality to photographs, may be used instead of photographs.
15.5.1 RAC,
15.5.2 Front seal housing,
15.5.3 Camshaft baffle,
15.5.4 Oil pick-up screen,
15.5.5 Oil pan,
15.5.6 Average and worst piston, anti-thrust sides,
15.5.7 Average and worst piston, thrust sides,
15.5.8 Best camshaft lobe (lowest wear),
15.5.9 Worst camshaft lobe (highest wear), and
15.5.10 Best and worst camshaft follower (lowest and highest wear).
16. Precision and Bias
16.1 Precision:
16.1.1 Non-Reference Oils - To aid the potential user of this test method to assess the variability that can be expected between test results when the test method is used in one or more reasonably competent laboratories, the precision information in Table 9 has been developed: The non-reference oil precision for this test method is determined by the statistical analysis of sets of data submitted by users of the test method. Each set of data consists of two or more engine test results, obtained on the same engine oil formulation. Each data set may be from tests run in the same laboratory or different laboratories, and with any approved fuel batch. The data are collected and analyzed by industry volunteers, and reported to the ASTM Sequence VE Test Method Surveillance Panel. The statistical criteria summarized in Table 9 represents the estimate of Reproducibility, based on 250 df obtained over the period of April 1, 1992, through September 30, 1994, for the various required engine deposit and wear performance parameters. This reasonably long time period was selected as being representative of a consistent period of test operation. (If a potential user has a desire to know what the most recent precision data are for non-reference oils, the TMC can provide this information by consulting the appropriate Sequence VE Surveillance Panel meeting minutes.) Reproducibility (R) - The difference between two single and independent results obtained on the same oil by different operators working in different laboratories would, in the long run, in the normal and correct conduct of the test method, exceed the values in Table 9 in only one case in twenty. No similar estimate of non-reference oil Repeatability is available with this test method since the number of non-reference oil tests repeated in the same engine, test stand, and laboratory are limited. An estimate of current Repeatability is contained in the statistical reference oil data base maintained by the TMC.
16.1.2 Reference Oils - The TMC uses the precision information developed from frequent tests on several reference oils to help those laboratories conducting the test method maintain consistent test severity. These precision data are updated regularly and are available upon request from the TMC. The reference oil precision from operationally valid tests from April 1, 1992, through September 30, 1994, is summarized in Annex A11.
16.2 Bias - Bias is determined by applying an accepted statistical technique to reference oil test results, and when a significant bias is determined, a severity adjustment is permitted for non-reference oil test results (see 13.2.1,, and Annex A12).
17. Keywords
17.1 lubricating oils; Sequence VE; sludge and varnish; spark-ignition automotive engine; stop-and-go service; valve train wear