ASTM D5275 Test Method for Fuel Injector Shear Stability Test (FISST) for Polymer Containing Fluids
3. Summary of Test Method
3.1 The polymer-containing fluid is passed through a diesel injector nozzle at a shear rate that causes the less shear stable polymer molecules to degrade. The resultant degradation reduces the kinematic viscosity of the fluid under test. The reduction in kinematic viscosity, reported as percent loss of the initial kinematic viscosity, is a measure of the shear stability of the polymer-containing fluid.

4. Significance and Use
4.1 This test method evaluates the percent viscosity loss for polymer-containing fluids resulting from polymer degradation in the high shear nozzle device. Minimum interference from thermal or oxidative effects are anticipated.

4.2 This test method is not intended to predict viscosity loss in field service for different polymer classes or for different field equipment. Some correlation for a specific polymer type in specific field equipment can be possible.