ASTM D4860 Free Water and Particulate Contamination in Mid-Distillate Fuels
ASTM D4860 Standard Test Method for Free Water and Particulate Contamination in Mid-Distillate Fuels (Clear and Bright Numerical Rating)
9. Preparation of Apparatus
9.1 Locate the Micro-Separometer on a clean workbench in an area in which the temperature is within the operating limits of the instrument, 0 to 50° (32 to 122°F).

9.2 Open the case and remove the six-pack box from the lid. Raise the right panel until completely vertical and locked in place. When a-c power is available, connect the power cord and turn the instrument on; otherwise operate using battery power.

9.3 Depress the switch (push button) marked ON.

NOTE 4 - Flickering of the power indicator light, during any portion of a test sequence being performed when using battery power, indicates that recharging is necessary.

9.4 Have ready a supply of syringes, syringe plugs, vials, and Alumicel coalescer/filters. In addition, have the wire aid readily available and the catch pan positioned under the syringe drive mechanism to accept the spent fuel.

10. Conditioning
10.1 Under no circumstances is the test fuel to be prefiltered as filter media can remove the very materials, water and particulate matter, that the test is designed to detect.

10.2 The sample temperature shall not be lower than the temperature at which the fuel will be stored and used. Too low a temperature may cause a haze to form from water previously in solution. When possible, perform the test with the fuel sample at a temperature representing a real-use situation.