ASTM D4814 Standard Specification for Automotive Spark-Ignition Engine Fuel
6. Workmanship
6.1 The finished fuel shall be visually free of undissolved water, sediment, and suspended matter; it shall be clear and bright at the ambient temperature or 21°C (70°F), whichever is higher.

6.2 Fuel to be used in this test shall not be cooled below about 15°C (59°F) or its temperature at the time the sample was taken, whichever is lower, as cooling of gasoline-oxygenate blends can produce changes in appearance that are not reversed on rewarming.

6.3 The finished fuel shall also be free of any adulterant or contaminant that may render the fuel unacceptable for its commonly used applications.

7. Test Methods
7.1 The requirements of this specification shall be determined in accordance with the methods listed below. Refer to the listed test methods to determine applicability or required modifications for use with gasoline-oxygenate blends.
7.1.1 Distillation - Test Method D86.

7.1.2 Vapor-Liquid Ratio - Test Method D5188 is an evacuated chamber method for determining temperatures for vapor-liquid ratios between 8 to 1 and 75 to 1. For this specification, it is conducted at a ratio of 20 to 1. It may be used for gasoline and gasoline-oxygenate blends.

7.1.3 Vapor Pressure - Test Methods D4953, D5190, D5191, or D5482.

7.1.4 Corrosion, for Copper - Test Method D130, 3 h at 50°C (122°F).

7.1.5 Solvent-Washed Gum Content - Test Method D381, air jet apparatus.

7.1.6 Sulfur - Test Methods D1266, D2622, D3120, D5453, D6920, or D7039. With Test Method D3120, fuels with sulfur content greater than 100 ppm (0.0100 mass %) must be diluted with isooctane. The dilution of the sample may result in a loss of precision. Test Method D3120 cannot be used when the lead concentration is greater than 0.4 g/L (1.4 g/U.S. gal).

7.1.7 Lead - Test Methods D3341 or D5059 (Test Methods A or B). For lead levels below 0.03 g/L (0.1 g/U.S. gal), use Test Methods D3237 or D5059 (Test Method C).

7.1.8 Oxidation Stability - Test Method D525.

7.1.9 Oxygenate Detection - Test Methods D4815, D5599, or D5845. These test methods are designed for the quantitative determination of methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), ethyl tertbutyl ether (ETBE), tert-amyl methyl ether (TAME), diisopropyl ether (DIPE), methyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol, and tert-butyl alcohol. In addition, Test Methods D4815 and D5599 are designed for the quantitative determination of n-propyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, n-butyl alcohol, sec-butyl alcohol isobutyl alcohol, and tert-pentyl alcohol. Results for all of these test methods are reported in mass %. Test Method D4815 includes procedures for calculating oxygenate concentration in volume % and mass oxygen content using the mass % oxygenate results.

7.1.10 Corrosion, for Silver - See Annex A1 for a test method.

8. Sampling, Containers, and Sample Handling
8.1 The reader is strongly advised to review all intended test methods prior to sampling to understand the importance and effects of sampling technique, proper containers, and special handling required for each test method.

8.2 Correct sampling procedures are critical to obtain a sample representative of the lot intended to be tested. Use appropriate procedures in Practice D4057 for manual method sampling and in Practice D4177 for automatic method sampling, as applicable.

8.3 The correct sample volume and appropriate container selection are important decisions that can impact test results. Refer to Practice D4306 for aviation fuel container selection for tests sensitive to trace contamination. Refer to Practice D5854 for procedures on container selection and sample mixing and handling. For octane number determination, protection from light is important. Collect and store sample fuels in an opaque container, such as a dark brown glass bottle, metal can, or minimally reactive plastic container to minimize exposure to UV emissions from sources such as sunlight or fluorescent lamps.

8.4 For volatility determination of a sample, refer to Practice D5842 for special precautions recommended for representative sampling and handling techniques.