ASTM D4806 Specification for Denatured Fuel Ethanol for Blending with Gasolines
ASTM D4806 Standard Specification for Denatured Fuel Ethanol for Blending with Gasolines for Use as Automotive Spark-Ignition Engine Fuel
7. Test Methods
7.1 The scope of some of the test methods specified in 7.2 to 7.10 do not include denatured fuel ethanol. The precisions of those test methods may differ from the reported precisions when testing denatured fuel ethanol.

7.2 Water Content - Test Methods E 203 or E 1064.

7.3 Solvent-Washed Gum Content - Test Method D381, air jet apparatus.

7.4 Acidity - Test Method D1613.

7.5 pHe - Test Method D6423.

7.6 Appearance - The product shall be visibly free of suspended or precipitated contaminants (clear and bright). This shall be determined at indoor ambient temperature unless otherwise agreed upon between the supplier and the purchaser.

7.7 Specific Gravity - Test Method D 891, Procedure B or Test Method D4052. For Test Method D 891, Procedure B (hydrometer), no formal precision statement is available, but practical experience indicates that precision is no better than 0.0005. Test Method D891 Procedure C (pycnometer), with an interlaboratory precision (reproducibility) of 0.0002, should be used as a referee method.

7.8 Inorganic Chloride Content - Modification of Test Method D512, Procedure C.
7.8.1 The modification of Test Method D512, Procedure C consists of using 5 mL of sample diluted with 20 mL of water in place of the 25 mL sample specified in the standard procedure. The water shall meet Specification D1193, Type II. The volume of the sample prepared by this modification will be slightly larger than 25 mL. To allow for the dilution factor, report the chloride ion present in the fuel ethanol sample as the chloride ion present in the diluted sample multiplied by five.

7.8.2 The precision of this modified method has not been determined, but for the actual amount of chloride ion found in the diluted sample, it is expected to be similar to the precision of Test Method D512, Procedure C.

7.9 Copper Content - Modification of Test Method D1688, Procedure D.
7.9.1 The modification of Test Method D1688, Procedure D (atomic absorption) consists of mixing reagent grade ethanol (which may be denatured according to the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF) of the U.S. Treasury Department Formula 3A or 30) in place of water as the solvent or diluent for the preparation of reagents and standard solutions. However, this must not be done to prepare the stock copper solution described in 38.1 of Test Method D1688. Because a violent reaction may occur between the acid and the ethanol, use water, as specified, in the acid solution part of the procedure to prepare the stock copper solution. Use ethanol for the rinse and final dilution only.

7.9.2 The precision of this modified method has not been determined but it is expected to be similar to the precision of Test Method D1688, Procedure D.

7.10 Ethanol Content - Test Method D5501.

8. Keywords
8.1 acidity; automotive spark-ignition engine fuel; base gasoline; chloride ion content; copper content; corrosion inhibitors; denaturants; denatured fuel ethanol; ethanol; ethanol content; ethanol purity; fuel; fuel ethanol; gasoline; gasoline-ethanol blend; impurities; oxygenate; solvent-washed gum; water content